Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Antique store finds

Saturday morning the antique store opened up at 10, so we headed straight for there about 9:30.  We were using dd's pickup to haul the 2 things. First we went to make sure both items were still there. I didn't have her put a hold on them. I figured there was so much stuff in that store (and not many customers) and when we left it was only going to be open a couple more hours and we'd be there first thing next morning. Both items were still there and I told the lady up front what I wanted. When we were looking to make sure the church pew was there, there was a picture hanging nearby that dd had been looking at the day before. She really liked it, so she decided to get that for herself. I walked back with the lady to show her which items I wanted and dd went to get the truck pulled up to loading. As we are walking back to the register I spotted another small item I liked and grabbed that. We could probably have spent all day in there looking around and still not seen everything. 

The hutch top part came off the base, with some screws, so they got that off to make it easier to carry and load. She brought the church pew over to the door and it wasn't too heavy, dd and I carried it out to her truck and it just fit in the extended cab behind her front seats perfect (her back seat folds up). She and the lady carried out the top of the hutch and while dd was getting it fitted back inside the canopy and put a blanket and ratchet strap just to make sure it stayed put, two of the ladies working there brought out the base, so that was nice not to have to carry. I just had them ring up dd's picture with the whole order and bought that for her.

DD had also wanted to stop at a used bookstore we'd been to on a previous visit here, but several years ago. We had just run out of time Friday, so we did that on the way home. Just a cute stuffed bookstore in an old house. DD bought 3 books and I bought a coffee table book about hummingbirds that was only $4.95.

We got home about 12:30 and dh helped dd unload and bring into the house. He got the 3 big bins that still had china stuff in it, packed since 2016 now! Finally, I was able to have somewhere to put this stuff. We unloaded the bins onto the dining table to see what was what. I gave dd a few things I didn't want/need and also found some more pieces of the dishes set I gave her awhile back. I think we were done with it all by 2pm.

I am loving the church pew. It fit perfect where we wanted to put it. I am going to get a couple of small throw pillows to set on it.

The hutch really finished off the dining room and makes it feel less empty and I think the wood goes perfect with my table and chairs.

The cowboy and the duck....

The duck isn't a decoy. It's 2 pieces and like a bowl on the bottom piece. It's super heavy.

Saturday afternoon/eve the wind shifted and it started getting smokey outside. There was a big Chinook helicopter that came in to fill up in the river. He was right in front of our house and starting to drop down and then saw the stupid floaters. He ended up filling up just a bit past our neighbors at the end of our street. With all the trees we couldn't see him filling up. Within a very short time he was back, at the same spot. We started to go down there to watch, but he pulled out before we could get halfway there. I texted neighbor to ask if they could see if from their property and she said yes, come on down to watch (we were almost there, LOL). So, we chatted with them, waiting for it to come back, but it never did. Like dh said, 2 fill ups with that big Chinook is like 10 fill ups of the smaller helicopter that was filling up the previous couple days.

The rest of the evening we played some more cribbage and watched another movie. It was still really too hot out to spend much time sitting on the patio. 95 is too hot. We really haven't even gotten to enjoy our new patio dining set much at all this summer. It's been between 93 and 100 almost every day.


  1. I LOVE that hutch! Is the wood hard rock maple?
    Hate to be nosy, but DYING to know the China set you gave your daughter. China is sort of a passion of mine. I have found complete Pfaltzgraff sets for my kids in thrift shops for a song, as well as some formal patterns. (Not that I foresee them moving out any time soon.)
    Funny story about 15 years ago when we bought our Florida place, we ordered a gorgeous set of made in U.S.A, everyday dishes for it. I love it, but it WAS very pricy. DH and eldest drove, I flew in several days later with the younger ones. The day I arrive I unpack the dishes which had been delivered, and put them away. We then decide to take a ride as a break, see what we should see, and I suggest we pop in the local Goodwill. What do I find but a complete set of Pfaltzgraff, service for 8 plus serving dishes, etc, for under $100, in the pattern (Yorktowne) I wanted in the first place! (When I was looking for dishes for the Florida house, I refused to buy Pfaltzgraff new, because they moved production out of the U.S.)
    Seriously, after we purchased our Florida place I spent the entire winter looking in every, and I mean EVERY secondhand shop within a 30 mile radius of us every before I placed that order!
    If you are interested in the company I bought the new set from, I will send you the name. I LOVE their stuff!

    1. The hutch looks to be maple wood. It's very sturdy and heavy. I asked dd to look at the china name and it says Royal Duchess Mountain Bell Fine China. It belonged to my step dad's mom and he/my mom got that set (she had several sets, I guess) when she passed away. My mom never really liked it much, and neither did I, LOL. I just took it so I'd have some fine china and probably same reason dd took it, LOL.

  2. I love the church pew! It fits and looks great where you have put it. I still cannot believe someone official has not cleared the river for the helicopters. You and daughter had a good shopping trip.

  3. The pew is absolutely beautiful! I love your staircase.

    1. thanks! I've been wanting one for quite awhile and glad to find one.

  4. I love the duck. A perfect accent piece.
    The pew fits perfectly & looks like it belongs there.
    The cabinet/hutch piece fits right in & no doubt useful.

  5. Everything looks amazing. I also am dishes crazy and have too many including a huge set of Yorktowne which I do use often.

  6. Beautiful pieces and they look like they found the right home.
