Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tackling Tuesday

It seems like I have heard, often, that when elderly people lose their short term memory they still can remember things from the past quite well. My mom really can't remember much from the past anymore either. I mean, she can remember general things, mostly names and who/what the relationship is, but other than that she doesn't seem to hardly bring up past memories. The one she does seem to remember is trying smoking, as a young teen, but that's about the only ones she's brought up several times. She'll be commenting on how she's glad she's pretty healthy for her age and glad she didn't smoke and then tell the story about trying it as a young teen. I did at least try to ask her if she remembered why her mom had to have the colostomy bag, but of course, she had a total blank on it. When my MIL started having cognitive problems in her last year or so, I remember dh asking her if she remembered the house she grew up in. He was trying to find it on google, but didn't have enough info on where it was. He asked her on the phone and she rattled off that address like she lived there yesterday.

Surprise, the cabinet lady actually updated me in an email. She said the cabinet is supposed to ship on 4/19 and when she gets confirmation, she will call me to schedule the install. 

The neighbors at least remembered what worked for the barking dogs last time they had their son's dogs and went right back to crating them inside the house, while they are gone. Last time they had them and we listened to them bark for a week and finally complained they asked their son for suggestions and he said they always crate the dogs when they aren't home. I was noticing yesterday how quiet it was over there and then I remembered, oh ya, they had started crating them, last time, so thankfully they are doing that again. 

I logged into my old mortgage account again, and now see that my escrow balance is showing zero, so the check must be on it's way. It's showing a transaction date of 3/26. Yay. As soon as that comes, I'll make a big payment with all my "excess" funds: the closing $, the title co refund, the escrow refund, and the 4/1 payment I don't have to make, as my first payment is due 5/1. That will be over $7000 to principal and then on 5/1 I'll start with my first payment, but I am going to pay what my old mortgage payment was each month, or try to as often as possible.

Boy, what a change in weather in 24 hours or so. We went from 63 during the day Sunday to last night a low of 20. It's supposed to warm back up later this week. Gradually we are getting towards spring. I'm anxious to get the little patio dining set I ordered, but shipping shows it's taking 3 weeks. I guess it comes from China, LOL.


  1. I hope your patio set didn't get hung up in the Suez canal.
    I think it's a good thing that your mom wants to get back to "her" place.

    1. well, at least I'm not really in any hurry for it. Plenty of time before the weather warms up enough to use it. I just want to see it, LOL. Funny, usually my mom will joke about that she's going to move in with us (and then she'll say, no I'm just joking!" but she didn't say that at all this last time.

  2. It is amazing what people with dementia can remember from the past when they cannot remember last week or this morning. Somehow, I missed you ordered furniture. I think that crow lamp will be my one Halloween decoration this fall.

    1. Yes, that did seem like a good Halloween type lamp, haha.
      I'm really surprised my mom doesn't have more old memories and talk about them.

  3. I'm sad for those dogs that they are in crates 8+ hours a day? Are they tiny dogs or large dogs? I mean why have a dog it you don't have time to walk it & take care of it? Dogs need exercise & attention! Gawd, I hate people who do that to them. I think it's cruel.

    1. One is a very large dog and one is small. I really do not know why they have dogs either. I know our neighbors don't like crating them, but we're not going to listen to barking all day either. And their son and his wife's issue with keeping their own dogs for more than a few months at a time shouldn't infringe our our peace and quiet. Frustrating, because we love dogs.
