Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Fixed things

A couple of my issues I had Friday/weekend resolved on their own, so I was glad to start Monday off not having to deal with them. Friday, an hour before quitting time, the accounting program I use for work would not print or email. I wasn't in the mood to wait for IT to call me at the end of the day Friday, so I just decided I'd deal with it Monday. Except when I logged back in it all works fine now.

I tried one more time first thing Monday to log into my bank and reset my password, as I got locked out Saturday and it said I had to call to reset it, but they weren't there on weekends to answer. But, Monday morning it let me request a temp pin# be sent to my phone and I was then able to change the password online. And get my $150 refund check mobile deposited. I'm still waiting on my escrow refund check. When I log into my old lender it is showing my loan paid, but still showing the escrow balance. Hopefully they will process it soon.

My new bedroom lamps arrived yesterday and I really like them. At first, as I was taking them out of the boxes, I thought oh, these are too big! They are like full sized table lamps and the ones I had on my nightstands were really small, so a big change. But, once I got them set up, I really like them. They seem more in proportion with the room size and the tall windows. I really like the glass base.

I moved the two small lamps upstairs to one of the guest rooms, that only had one small lamp up there and replaced it with these that were in my bedroom. I think they fit great for this room and the small nightstands.

Since we don't have any snow, I'm ready for spring to get here. I don't like the ugly winter brown lawn. In looking at the pictures on my phone from last year, it's at least mid April before the grass starts getting greener and later May before it looks good. The spring wild yellow flowers that bloom for awhile isn't until mid May, so still a couple months to go.

This is on the vacant lots next to us, last spring.

After I got done working yesterday and went downstairs to get dinner started my back, underneath my shoulder blades, started hurting. It was fine sitting in my chair all day. This morning it still hurts, so I'm having trouble getting comfortable sitting here. Maybe it's leftover aches and pains from bending over a bunch of times picking up the pinecones on Saturday.

Mr. Neighbor chatted with dh yesterday and he's so disgusted with the shooter nut job and the lack of interest by the head sheriff, by his response to Mr.'s email, that Mr. said he's thinking about just "shooting" back every time we hear him shooting. I don't know about that, LOL. But, maybe the guy would get the message. Kind of like knocking on the wall or ceiling of your apartment to get your neighbor to quiet down, I guess, haha. 

I still haven't decided if I'm going to take Friday off and have my mom here this weekend. Now the weather looks either rainy or frozen, which I don't want to drive in. Maybe Easter will be a better weekend, but I don't do Easter dinners, LOL and I would want to take her home early afternoon. I guess I'll decide soon one way or the other.


  1. The new lamps are nice. And, the smaller ones look nice on their small end tables. I have a tall lamp on a nightstand and the light shines in my eyes as I lie down. But, a smaller lamp would not look right. Since this is not permanent, I just live with it. The shooter might catch on to the "revenge shots" and decided to escalate his shooting. I would leave him alone. But, that's just me?

    1. one of these days I might actually get the birdie lamp for my desk! LOL. I'm not really thinking shooting back is going to work either, but I guess at this point anything is worth a try.

  2. I have to laugh. The problem with your, as you call him, "gun nut," is that when it comes to the 2nd amendment, well, I'm not telling you anything you don't know...You're not really considering trying to put restrictions on those, are you? Who are you to tell him when he can and can't shoot during the day when he's on his own property? What's next? Communism? How DARE you.

    1. (My tongue, by the way, was in my cheek as I typed this.)

    2. I'm VERY sure that's how he would see it, LOL.

    3. Do you see the irony, though?

    4. The irony that we are expecting him to follow the laws regarding where you are allowed to shoot here in our state? It's not just a free for all.

    5. something I have said often "just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD". We could have bought lot 1 when it was for sale and because of the angle of the river bank, building a house there would have basically blocked a good half of Mr/Mrs Neighbors view. Nothing stopping us...but after walking the lot we at once realized where a house would have to go on this lot and said that would not be right to do to them. We went and talked to them and they never realized it. Mrs then said she thought the owners of the lot we have now might want to sell, so we bought it. Mr. & Mrs bought lot 1 right away to protect their view. Just because we could have doesn't mean we should have.

  3. Oh those sunflowers are just beautiful aren't they! As for playing duelling shotguns with your neighbour - nah, not sure about that! I wouldn't want to encourage him!

    1. I agree - I don't think that solution would work. The guy would probably think it's great. Those flowers are my favorite around here. I always forget the name of them and have to look it up - Arrowleaf Balsamroot

  4. The lamps worked out perfectly. The new lamps are really nice. Every piece you add to your house goes. I like your new plant stand and the copper vase. (Older post)
    The sunflowers make a neat picture!

    1. Thank you! I was thinking about printing and framing that picture too
