Thursday, March 25, 2021

Just great

Just got the news this evening that starting this weekend neighbors will be back to 5 dogs again, as of course their son and his wife don't want the dogs while they are trying to sell their house. Which then of course will turn into they are building their new house and can't have the dogs. My guess is it's going to be at least a year they will have the extra dogs.



  1. I would compare the dogs to the shooters, and to their face, about things disturbing the peace.

    1. They already know....this is now the 4th "summer" of this. I'm just not in the mood to keep complaining to them, letting them know the dogs are barking all the time. I really hope when Mr. told dh that Mrs is retiring "next May" he means this May coming up. If she is home all the time, she won't let them bark

  2. Replies
    1. I am so tired of it, every year they have an excuse why they can't take care of their own dogs for months and months.

  3. I know you don't want trouble with the neighbors, but you might want to remind them of the HOA rules regarding the number of dogs permitted. You moved there for peace and quiet and you are getting anything but that. :(

    1. You're absolutely right Lucy!

    2. if it gets too bad again, we may have to do that. I'm really hoping Mrs is retiring THIS May and not next May.

  4. I agree with Lucy! Tell the HOA and hope they do something. 5 dogs is way too many!

    1. There is no HOA, just covenants for the 7 lots so we'd have to get an attorney involved.

  5. No way! I would not put up with that. I would set up a meeting and let them know you will not have a 4th summer ruined by barking dogs. I’d let them know “I would never do that to you guys”. You should let them know you will go forward to whatever you need to. And you don’t need to apologize. It’s so wrong.

    1. Like I told dh last night - we get to be inconvenienced and annoyed, so their son and DIL can live their life how they want.
