Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday this and that

A bit of a mystery this morning. I logged into my mom's email this morning, as always, to make sure there's not spam (thankfully, it's been very minimal lately). There's an email from Verizon confirming her change back to paper/mail billing. What? Seriously, there is no way she would know how to log into the account and change it. It took me a bit to figure out how to navigate through the menu to change it back to paperless. I can't imagine she changed it online. She only knows how to go to the websites I already put in her favorites and Verizon isn't one of them. She doesn't know anymore how to type in an website address or search for a website. (she barely understood how when she had a memory, LOL)

I had changed it to paperless some time ago, before she even moved over here, I think. She has the billing on auto pay and there's no reason for her to get a statement for $31.74 each month. She just piles them up because she can't remember what to do with them or thinks she needs to keep them. Very strange it got changed. I logged back in and changed it back and also changed the contact email to mine instead of hers. I guess I should also change the password, just in case someone got in her account, but if they did what would be the purpose of changing the billing to paper bills? Beats me. I can't ask her if she is the one who changed it - she wouldn't remember if she did.

My neighbor down the street and her little son stopped by last evening to drop off some Christmas goodies she made. 8 1/2 months pregnant and she has the energy to make stuff, LOL. I gave her some eggs and told her my Christmas "goody" isn't ready yet. It's my homemade vanilla......I don't think it's going to turn out! It's been almost 4 months it's been "baking" and when I open the bottles it still smells like vodka. I just ordered another set of vanilla beans to try to add to the bottles. I probably needed more than I originally put in. The extra beans should be here in a few days. I'll add and I guess when I give to them in a week or so, I'll tell them to maybe wait a few more weeks. Have any of you made this before? I've read it takes at least 6 weeks, but I would think 4 months is long enough! I also read a couple of people's how to blog posts about doing it and some said use cheap vodka, is fine. But a friend I have on Facebook just made some (I guess she's made before) and said best to use good vodka. Hmpf.

I asked neighbor what her due date is and she said Christmas Day. I said, Oh! you literally meant Christmas when you said you were due around Christmas haha! She said she is really hoping baby comes before.

My other neighbor texted me back after I commented on her cute mailbox decor. She said other than the mailboxes, the outside of their house looks like Scrooge. I said lights are a lot of work - I don't blame them. She said her dh always hated Christmas lights as a kid, so they never get to put them up. Wonder why he hates them, LOL. I didn't ask.

The temperature is staying cold and the past couple of days we are starting to now see the river getting ice chunks. No snow yet, though. Earlier the forecast was showing snow for this coming weekend, but now it's been pushed out to next Monday. That's good as I was kind of hoping to get a trip into the city on Saturday to see my mom and stock up on some more groceries.




  1. I've never made vanilla extract or other, but somewhere I read they take literally a year minimum, so maybe next year's gifts?

    1. I've read at least 6 weeks, but 3-4 months is better, so I went with the 4 months. Then I've read the vodka quality matters and it doesn't. People need to make up their minds LOL. I think I'll add the extra vanilla beans, give out and just tell them to let soak awhile more.

    2. Open the beans and scrape out the seeds. Put it all back in. That will work. Or, just split the beans and stick them back in the vodka.

      Yes, someone can use the paper for evil.

    3. I did split the beans in half lengthwise when I first put in the bottles, and I do shake them gently about once a week.

  2. I belong to a vanilla bean co-op and it is one year for pure vanilla.

    1. good to know! Now I need to decide if I should wait and give them next year, or give them now and tell them to wait to use a few more months, haha.

  3. I have made vanilla before and it takes forever to have a really strong vanilla flavor. I have also made it with bourbon but only a small amount for specific baked items. After I did it, I really thought it was a waste of bourbon and vanilla beans.

    1. Pinterest bloggers lie then, LOL. What's up with these people saying 6 weeks and it's ready?!

  4. Sometimes software updates mess with preferences even though they should not. So, possibly the change to paper billing is just a glitch in the Verizone software update. In some cases paper billing is offered with a small fee. Some dubious companies may do it on purpose but I don't think Verizon would do that.

    1. I don't think Verizon would do that either, but also wouldn't surprise me if it's caused by some update glitch on their part.
