Friday, December 11, 2020


DH doesn't hunt, but he knows enough about the rules of it, that he knows people shouldn't be dumping their carcasses on the dirt road across the street from us! (it's illegal to dump them anywhere). Spent all day with the ravens and whatnot circling over and squawking about it. DH went over there and sure enough people drive back on that dirt road a bit and are dumping stuff. Not to mention dh said the elk still had fresh meat on it that wasn't completely harvested. Let's see...hunting season ended like 11 days ago....obviously this animal was killed after hunting season, not to mention dumped illegally, along with some others. Geez - at least go back up in the road a half a mile or a mile and dump it where it's not right across the road from houses. We don't need the rats and vermin that attracts on our properties.

The fish and game guy called dh back and it sounds like they will come out today to check it out. DH had taken a picture of it and showed me. Ugh - what a mess, basically the guy had some stuff in a box and even dumped the box with it all. Meat still on rib cages, the hide, the box. The fish and game guy said they may put up a camera and even a decoy, as dh said as soon as it gets dark vehicles are driving back in there....(hunting season is over). He asked dh if he moved or looked at the box at all and dh said no. The guy said often times the people are dumb and their shipping label with their address is still on the box, LOL. Or he said some are even dumb enough to leave their tag on the animal.

Around noon I go out and give my chickens some scratch. I have to be fast to dump it out of the little cup I use or they are in the way and it lands on top of them. LOL. I was trying to find spot to pour it but I wasn't fast enough and one of them jumped up and grabbed a hold of my ring on my finger. haha. I'm like HEY! 

Well, speaking of chickens, it's my morning time to go say hello to them and give them their bread treat (ie. $.88 cent bread loaves from Walmart now stock up my freezer) they love.


  1. people are so disgusting!!!! i am fine with hunting to provide etc, but really? at least be respectful when you do it. yeesh. that is like someone who let their dog poop at the end of my driveway, at least pick up after yourselves!!!

    1. there is so much available out of the way land around here to do something like that at - lazy people who wouldn't drive up the forest road aways back, where there are absolutely no sign of people living and do it there! This area is 90% state/fed forest land - it's not like it's hard to find a secluded area around here.

  2. They hunt illegally, waste it, and then make it your problem. I hope they get caught.

    I was a little slow and hanging out to long before I gave them food. One pecked my little toe and left a plug of flesh hanging. I was hoping I did not get and infection. They even jumped up on top of the container I was pouring from! Of course, I dropped that. Chickens always have surprises up their wings.

    1. I hope they get caught too. Sometimes they chickens will peck at my shoe when I'm in there cleaning up after them.
