Tuesday, December 1, 2020

the day off

It was really nice having yesterday off work. I did a couple loads of laundry. Did a little bit more decorating. I got the Christmas duvet put on in one of the guest bedrooms and covered the 2 throw pillows with holiday ones.

DH is still working on the big timber fence gate and had me stain a couple more small boards, which only took me like 5 minutes. I wrapped a few fake presents to put under the tree in the dining room.

I remember growing up we had a family friend who wrapped beautifully. The wrapped box, with a separate lid, was like a gift in itself. I had a few holiday boxes with lids that I thought I'll just wrap the lids and bottoms with this paper and try to be "fancier". After the first box I'm like this is too much work LOL. The rest are just Amazon boxes, haha.

We have our gift wrapping "station" set up on a long folding table up in the bonus room. For some reason my shadow dog doesn't like this room and will not come in. He just lays at the door watching. I don't know why he doesn't like going in there, no other place he has ever acted like that. Maybe because it's not finished, but I don't know why he'd know the difference.

I took a little short nap. Mostly I had to relax my back after making 2 beds and getting that duvet on the one. Just kills my back and it all seizes up on me. A rest of about 30 minutes usually relaxes it back to normal.

Dinner was hamburgers and fries. We needed a break from turkey leftovers. I found some leftover taco soup in the freezer, so we'll have that tonight with some sour cream and frito scoops.

I've got my mom all confused, but I had to do it, kind of like ripping a bandaid off, I guess. Her old bank balance is dwindling down and her social security it supposed to start going into her new bank, finally this month. There isn't enough left in old bank to pay rent, so when I took her home I had her give me all her old bank checks and register, so she doesn't forget and accidentally write a check from there. Of course the next day she didn't remember any of this and called me twice to ask about it. Once I know for sure her social security (next week) went into her new account, I'll write a check to close out her remaining balance and get deposited into the new one. I know if I had left any of the old checks there she would have found them and tried to use them - she was trying to do that this morning when she called again about it. And I'm sure off and on when she's trying to find them, she's going to think someone took them. Oh well, it is what it is. Hopefully once we get back to having just one checking it will start getting easier again. Her new checks came in this kind of folder like thing. When she told me she got it in the mail I told her she'd need to start a new register for it. I told her there must be one with the checks! She kept insisting there wasn't, so finally I found an old  unused check register and gave that to her awhile back. I'm looking through the folder right now and sure enough there is a register and a cover.


  1. Oh thay off is always good option!Great post <3

  2. I can't imagine what life will be lie when I start to forget the daily things in life. I hope my kids have patience.

    1. For the most part it seems like she doesn't even know she's forgetting (obviously since she asks the same question over and over). It's probably harder on me than her, haha.

  3. I am so sorry to have lost touch with you I don't know what happened, but I know what you are going through with your mom.

  4. Oh, this must be so hard on you! But, you seem to be navigating it beautifully.

    1. I wasn't feeling like I was navigating it well at all by Sunday, that's for sure. Christmas will be a shorter stay. I'd rather do a couple of short stays over 2-3 months than one long stay every few months, I'm realizing.

  5. That bed covering is so pretty. And it's so weird that your dog won't come into that room. Maybe he thinks it's haunted!

    1. something definitely bothers him about the room! Even when both dh and I are in there he will stop at the door and not come in.

  6. I love your red duvet. So pretty.
    And the skirt around your tree is really nice. Is that old? I can't imagine finding anything like that in 2020. It looks antique. Very pretty.
    It's funny that your shadow doggie doesn't like that room. Or maybe it's something in that room. It's tough to figure out what's going on in their furry heads.

    1. It's actually just a cheap tree skirt I got at Walmart, probably 10-12 years ago LOL. But, I guess just goes to show you don't need to spend big bucks on stuff :) I like the duvet too, it was supposed to be king sized but is a bit small (it came from UK, so maybe they have different bed sizes?) so I switched it to queen bed use.

  7. have you considered just leaving her a few checks and telling her you'll balance the account? that's what I did with my mom. she now just uses a debit card and has a few checks in case she needs them, but never balances her account. She will once in a while look at the balance to see how much it is. I also fill six weeks of meds for her at a time and keep them in a basket -- when she finishes a week she throws the empty box into the basket. I keep the date on my calendar for when they need to be refilled. and twice a day, Alexa says "mom, take your medicine" and 10 minutes later it says, "mom, did you take your medicine?" it's not perfect, but it helps.

    1. I REALLY like all your ideas! I did just leave her with one set of checks and took the rest home with me and she does have the debit card. Hopefully I can ease her into me just updating her register. My uncle wants to get her the Alexa thing for Christmas so I'm hoping that will work for her. The 6 weekly pill boxes is a GREAT idea!

    2. my mom has vascular dementia so I have several years of practice with this. I'll try to think of other "tricks" I use.

    3. thank you! I would appreciate the ideas
