Monday, December 14, 2020

Getting motivated

For some reason the past week or two I keep putting things off, so I spent part of the afternoon yesterday wrapping gifts (mostly all for DD/SIL). I then realized I had wanted to get DD one more gift, but never did, so I ordered something off Amazon, in a gift bag, and it will ship direct to her, since now it's too late to wait for it to get here, wrap, and then ship to her. Then I took my wrapped gifts out to the shop so dh could find a box in his hoard of boxes. He puts a box together and he's getting them to fit and he goes to find some filler and I noticed blood smeared all over the packages!

He had cut his hand an hour or two earlier, put a bandaid on, but it apparently split open again and was completely bleeding through, under, around the little bandaid. GOD! So, I had to take 2 of the presents back in the house, back upstairs, and re-wrap them! He's a walking disaster.

I got the new vanilla beans sliced open and added to my jars of extract. I will deliver next weekend and just tell them to wait on using it awhile longer. Hopefully those extra beans will help. I had sliced the beans in half and then cut each of those halves lengthwise, so about 6 "pieces" were added to each jar, equivalent of 1 1/2 full length beans.

I have had an occipital headache at the base of my neck for like a week now. UGH. I haven't had that happen in a long time. I can't seem to get rid of it. I heated up my little rice bag to put on the back of my neck this morning, but I had to get up to do something midway through and by the time I got back to my desk, it had cooled down and I haven't had time to go back downstairs to reheat it in the microwave again. I'm also wondering if it has something to do with the new brand of one of my meds I was sent in a refill. Obviously a different mfg as the pills are twice as large as they've always been (one of my mom's meds through same mail pharmacy was also changed to different mfgr as her pills looked totally different which really confused her). I've been on atenolol for many many years. Years ago I had gotten a different mfg refill and I had a headache for like 10 straight days. I got the pharmacy to put me back to the regular one and the headache went away. It's making me wondering if this new pill is causing the non-stop headache. I'll have to figure out when I started these new pills. Prettty recent, within the last 2 weeks or so. Sometimes their "additives" they put in the pills in addition to the actual medicine is different than another mfg uses.

My new entryway table arrived today. Quick and easy for dh to screw on the legs. It was packaged really nicely and the hardware came in this nice zippered bag. Now, of course, I have to figure out what to get to put on/above it! I like it. Looks rustic and also has a drawer in the middle that pulls out. I also just remember I have a $22 Wayfair credit to use up, so I will find something to set on this table.

Seems like that light switch is in a stupid place. Should have been over to one side or the other. That other plate, I think is for when we get our gate installed and can open/close it from there.

My dh likes Eggnog (not for alcoholic drink) so I always buy a 1/2 gallon every Christmas time. I have never liked it. I always give it a little try every year, thinking maybe my tastes have changed, but nope. Still don't like it. I looked at the ingredients. Milk, cream, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc - what's not to like?! LOL. So, I tried it with about a 1/3 eggnog and 2/3 of the whole organic milk I like and YUM! My new favorite drink, haha.


  1. Love the table. Love the wood. Looks perfect there.
    I would call the pharmacy. Maybe the headache is just temporary, but I wouldn't want it. I always buy eggnog as a tradition. My husband doesn't care for it & I usually have 1 glass. But, I think it would be great mixed w/ milk. I'm going to try that!!

    1. thanks! I'm trying to buy only things that are solid wood and not all cheap mdf stuff...but that makes it a bit harder to keep the budget down. This table seems sturdy and no wobbles. The headache is probably the reason I haven't been very motivated the past week.

  2. I always have to "cut" the eggnog with milk. I love the taste but the thickness was just too much. I am loving your new house and your décor!

    1. thank you! It's a slow process for me to decorate. I have to keep searching and find stuff that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

  3. i love eggnog but cannot drink much because it is so sweet. I buy one quart and that is it for me. Tommy won't drink it. We discussed putting it in the ice cream freezer. Yikes on the bloody packages. Tommy is being his own disaster right this minute! I buy nothing but real, solid wood! It is not worth the junk you get. Even old furniture is more appealing to me.

    1. I only drink a small juice glass size, too. Some of the newer furniture stuff "looks" better than the old particle board/laminate stuff from years ago, but it's still crap.

  4. I am not a huge eggnog drinker, but I do like it a couple of times during the holidays, but only with some brandy in it.
    BTW it make a great liquid for French toast

    1. oh! that sound yummy. I'm going to try that. We like to have french toast for dinner once in awhile and I'll bet dh would love it.

  5. I hate to say it but a persistent headache can be a sign of covid and some people just get one symptom. You might want to check with your dr or get a test.
