Tuesday, July 9, 2019

All quiet on the western front

The neighbors kindly emailed back last night that they will get the bark collars on the dogs. So, far this morning it's been totally quiet, though that could also be because Mr. is working from home today. We can't always tell if he is home or not. I know he said he'll be gone for 3 days starting tomorrow, so that will be the real test.

And finally, it seems those pesky birds trying to build a nest (or more) up in the patio beams have given up. We're still seeing a few of them, but they aren't a couple dozen swarming and circling like they were for 2-3 weeks. DH just kept using the leaf blower to blow down their nesting material, about once a day or so. Thank goodness, one less thing for DH to have to deal with and worry about.

DH kept busy until about Sunday. Needed to rest and not do anything, but then when he doesn't do anything he gets cranky and turns into a total complainer, about every little thing. And then he reached his limit on the neighbor dogs barking at the slightest thing yesterday.

The electrician (who is always good to his word) emailed yesterday and will be out on Thursday to get our internet set up how it's supposed to be.

While we had high hopes around last Christmas, when we finally talked to DS, after all that time (he had called a couple times when DH's mom passed away on Christmas Eve), we have not heard from him since. He didn't respond to DH's voicemail or text when DH's dad died, almost 3 months ago now. We did see (in his girlfriend tagging him in Facebook posts) that she is expecting a baby in October (she must have announced it when she was like a month pregnant). The only thing that went through my mind, was well, this probably won't last until she has the baby. And now his Facebook is showing him as single and her's doesn't say she's in a relationship with him any more. I'm not one bit surprised. I don't know her or really anything about her (other than she's 39 and already has 2 kids, by, it appears, two other guys) but anyone who is her age (or any age) and thinks it's a good idea to get pregnant by a guy you've only known a few months, let alone a guy who doesn't have his own act together......well, not a recipe for success, that's for sure. Just very sad for the baby.

My friend, the one who's husband cheated on her and moved out/in with GF, after she found out, a year ago....nothing has changed in that story. But, she tags DH on Facebook posts constantly. It's driving him nuts. Sometimes it's several times a day. She seems to tag her daughter and daughter's boyfriend all the time, too. DH finally changed his settings, so she at least can't post stuff directly on his wall, but I guess there's no way to stop her from tagging him on something she posts on her wall, since they are friends. For now, he's just trying to ignore them, hoping she'll get the hint. Like DH said, if one of our guy friends was constantly tagging me, every day, sometimes several times a day, he'd think that was weird.......I know she's just totally bored and lonely, but give it a break. My only other thought of why she is doing it so much, is she knows DH is friends with her lying/cheating spouse and she's just trying to get his attention through it.

I talked to my mom yesterday. She said she has reduced the paxil medication by half, per her doctor, and then will go back in a month and see how that is going. From her BF's email, he made it sound like he (BF) didn't want her to reduce it, until they went back in a month and the dr. could really review and discuss with them all the meds she is on. I don't know, but if she's cut it in half, the past 8 days, she seems fine, so far. No bad effects from changing dosage. Maybe dr. can wean her off of those. I get that when she first went on them, she was in a situation(s) overwhelming her (taking care of both my dad and grandma) but that wasn't a permanent crisis. And my dad has been passed for 10 years now and my grandma for 6 years. Not to mention she's always had 2 pretty annoying side effects from them - big weight gain and hyperhydrosis, both bad enough, that if it were me, I'd have been trying to get off them a long time ago. She basically had almost a 30% weight gain, after she went on Paxil and Xanax! From about 140 pounds (at 5'4") to at least 175 pounds. Not good for her petite body frame, at all. I just hope reducing/eliminating those meds helps with her memory!


  1. It's great your neighbors seem to care. I live a block from a constant barker. There are lots of privacy fences ad houses between us. Finally, one day when the dog was barking and I was leaving, I decided to find the dog, not because it bothered me in the least, but because I just wondered where it came from. One day, about six months later I mentioned the dog barking. She assured me it was not their dog. I told her I watched him barking but he did not bother me. From that day one, he never barked. I was pleased they cared. Ido hope your mother can stop taking the meds for her health and memory sake.

    1. I know they care, if the dogs are barking. But, I guess if we never say anything, since they are gone, they don't know they are out there barking so much. I know it really bothers the Mr. and he's not thrilled about having their son's dogs all the time.

  2. I would certainly try to keep an eye on the Facebook acct of your son's ex. If it is your grandchild then who knows what may happen and if you should need to intercede.

    1. Yes, we will have to. I'm not sure how much of her FB is public, but seems like we can see a lot of posts. But it will be heartbreaking at the same time - if she posts pics - to know that is our grandchild. And you are right...she just yesterday posted some "meme" type comment that said "yes, I did drugs, I was a junkie, but I round recovery" or something like that...so obviously she's got issues.

  3. I think you can untag yourself on Facebook.

    1. I think so, but you have to do it to each post. She just did another tag! LOL
