Thursday, July 18, 2019

A fishy tale

DH caught a fish last evening. He was pretty tickled. He's new to fishing, so just learning the ropes, still. He just let it go back, but he was happy. Looked to be a good 12 -14 inches. Supposedly it was a Mountain Whitefish (he texted pic to a local friend). He texted me a pic (I was up inside the house) so I went down to the river. I hadn't been all the way down there yet this summer. I forgot how steep the little game trail is, LOL. One of his fishing friends said these fish have a lot of bones and are really only good smoked....or just let them back in the river, usually, haha.  One of our dogs was fishing with him. Quite attentive the whole time and seemed to love it. He would actually just sit in the water, at the edge, and watch while DH would reel the line back in. I knew he had a fishing pole (DD got it as a gift to him before we moved over here) but I was wondering where he got hooks/bait. I guess the guy we bought our house from in town had left a bin of stuff out in the shop, with some fishing stuff. DH had asked him if he wanted it, but he said no, so DH just saved it, in case he might could use the fishing stuff some day.

While I don't have a fishing license, I did give the fishing pole a try for a few casts. Unless a boat or a floater was going by, there wouldn't be a soul in sight to see me breaking the law, I guess. I had the hang of casting it out there the first few tries, but then I got worse. My carpal tunnel wrist wasn't liking it much. It's really hurting today now. It's actually been bothering me pretty bad the past couple of weeks. I finally broke down and ordered another one of those "gyro balls" to exercise my wrist. A couple years ago I loaned the one I had to a friend and never got it back. It had really worked for me. After using it, only a couple of weeks, I really haven't had any carpal tunnel pain for several years now. Today, I'm actually wearing my wrist brace, it's hurting so bad. Ugh.

We're going to try and get rid of a few things in the shop, on the local town Facebook page. Our old couch. It's used, in fair condition. I don't even know what to ask for it, if anything. Maybe $25. I flipped the cushions, so the corners that are wearing through are now underneath and not showing. We also have the large section of carpet we had while living in there. I think it's about 14x16 and in good shape. A couple of extra microwaves and a small refrigerator (one we had used in our race trailer). Just getting rid of the couch will give DH some more space out in the shop, as he tries to get organized. He's having trouble doing too much out there yet, as we have no shelving for him to start putting the stuff. He wants to get some metal shelving, but right now we are out of money for big extras like that.


  1. We had a camper for about 15 years and every second weekend would take off to a national park about 45 minutes away where the kids could run around and swim with other kids, I could sit and read and the ex could go fishing. I never saw the interest in it myself, although I imagine getting up at the crack of dawn to enjoy a spot of fishing in the summer was probably pretty pleasant. For me I guess it's like golf - you either love it or think "blah"! They were good times (despite the fishing) though!

    1. I think if DH had to go somewhere else to fish, he'd never do it, but the ease of walking down the bank on our own property is appealing to him. Not a lot of prep needed, haha.

  2. I think it is cute your dog sat in the water and watched as opposed to jumping around.

    1. he was very serious about it, LOL. He'd monitor a little stretch along the bank, for where he could probably see fish (and they'd slap the water every so often) so then he'd sit where he thought was a good spot for DH to fish. It was cute.
