Thursday, August 2, 2018

The final stretch

The remaining things left to complete the shop are getting done little by little each day. This week it looks like a bomb went off again - with all the piles of dirt, due to digging the drain field/septic system. Just a big mess.

The water pump got turned on yesterday and water flowed. Yay! DH said it was so nice to walk over to one of his hydrants and wash all the dust and dirt off his hands and face (and cool down since it was like 100 degrees yesterday). The well guy wants one hydrant to just be left open most of the day today to flush it all out. Rather than just create a muddy mess, we asked our neighbors if they wanted to pull over one of their sprinkler hoses and DH would attach and water their side lawn. They thought that was a good idea too. No sense in wasting all that good water.

Today the smaller roll up garage doors were supposed to get installed. The big roll up door for the front opening was supposed to come Monday. I guess they switched the schedule, as they needed two guys to install this big one and one guy will come and install the other doors tomorrow. The drainfield just got inspected and all looks great. Now they can fill it all back up. Also, one of the builders guys is supposed to install the bathroom vanity and cut the sink hole, as well as finish getting the shakes on the sides of shop. I'm guessing the plumber is today or tomorrow, too, now that the water is working. The new electrician we hired is supposed to come Tuesday. He said he's bringing a helper and will try to get it done in one day, but might take part of Wednesday too.

I slept really good last night, but am still feeling totally wiped out.  I long for the day I can feel normal again, but I know it's going to be many months away.


  1. It DOES look like a bomb went off. It also looks like the shop is going to be swallowed whole. But, since it is all good things happening, it looks beautiful. I can imagine how good it feels to your husband to get a little clean and a lot cool at the faucet.

    1. it's getting there! Soon we'll be able to run a faucet in the shop and not have to use the sanican LOL

    2. Now there is something I'd be SUPER excited about. Lol

  2. I'm happy for you that progress is being made. Have you started packing yet?

    1. I'm going to start tomorrow afternoon. The way things have been going I probably should wait until the appraisal comes back all ok......

  3. It's coming it's coming.....slowly but surely!!!! I can't WAIT to see the house when it is finally finished!!!! What doesn't seem too long to us must seem like FOREVER to you guys :)

    1. That is so true. Everyone will comment "oh, it looks like it's really coming along" but they don't realize this was started first of April, LOL
