Monday, August 27, 2018

It's definitely a Monday

Monday morning means back to work! Sure didn't feel like I had 6 days off. I tried to look through my work emails every day, just to delete out the "junk" stuff I didn't need to respond to or follow up on. At least that got rid of some of it.

After weeks/months of no real rain it started raining last night and all morning. Just a light drizzle. The builder/framing crew were supposed to show up today to start framing house. 6 am DH gets a text asking if it's raining at our place, because it was pouring where they live an hour away. DH said just a light rain. Then at 8am the framing guy texts and asks same thing, which DH replied the same answer. 11 am they just showed up, LOL.

Woke up, let the dogs out for peeing and of course their paws were totally muddy and dirty to clean off. Then fed the dogs and black dog promptly puked up all his food. He apparently just inhaled it as nothing was even chewed. He seems fine though. But, I had to clean that up. Not the best way to start out, eh?

Today was garbage pick up at our old house, so we set the can out (overfilled from moving) for one last pick up. Then I called and transferred to new address, which is on Thursday pick up, so they will pick up here again this week. Good, we have so much garbage generated here, too, from moving in!

We've been tweaking all the stuff in here to best utilize the space. It will help when we get some cabinets over and to the side of the washer and dryer and a medicine cabinet in the bathroom. We had an old small bookshelf that we set up on top of the stainless steel long table we are using for our kitchen. That helped give me lots more places to store foods. Yesterday we shifted some more bins around and made enough room to set up our small (5'x3') dining table. So now we have it all, LOL. A kitchen, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, office and living room. Haha!  We're going to see if the bed from our queen bed is on will adjust out to a king size. I have this memory, when we set it up in our old house, that it was adjustable. Keeping fingers crossed it is and that would save us $50 to buy one for king sized.

We are both still very wore out. We did sleep in Fri, Sat and Sun, but still not caught up. DH was having fits this morning because of the mud outside and dealing with the dogs. It's only supposed to rain today and then be sunny and in the 70's the next 10 days. It will all dry back out quickly and we'll have a break from the mud we're dealing with today. Just not letting the dogs outside much today. They will survive.

Our tankless/propane water heater finally seems to be working since they guy came out again on Saturday. Thank goodness. That was getting really annoying. He'd work on it and it would work the rest of the day (like for 5 days in a row) and when we'd get up the next morning it wouldn't work again. But I do like the shower. It's nice a roomy, especially compared to what we've had to use the past almost 30 years! At our old old house it was a small corner unit shower stall that wasn't much more than 2ft x 2ft. Then at our house we just sold it was a tub/shower, but the tub was really narrow. Plus, I really like that we are once again on well water and not paying for it! (my last water/sewer bill was $107).

Just got word we are closing on our house on Wednesday. Just waiting to hear what time we are supposed to go. Buyer is signing at 11am.

Here's a funny. Talking with our neighbor here at new place the other day. He said "hey, I finally got to meet your old neighbor for the first time the other day.... Then our neighbor says "is he black?" DH and I just laughed and said "nope, he's just always filthy because he's a mechanic AND he apparently never takes a bath!!". Neighbor was like "ewww, I couldn't tell for sure!" LOL

Cooking has been ok so far. My little hot plate is working great for making DH's egg sandwich in the morning. Lunch is just sandwiches and chips (as it's been for DH since forever). For dinner, we've rediscovered pot pies! LOL. Plus they are small and fit in the tiny freezer good. We've had pot pies two nights, sandwiches one night. The other night I tried a Hormel microwave meatloaf - yuck.  One night we had burgers from the next town and Friday DH had a big McD's lunch, so we just had cereal for dinner (that was the day I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't eat much). Tonight I'm making chili dogs and tomorrow I'm going to try eggs and bacon on my electric griddle.  I think Wednesday night we might go out to eat and celebrate this house finally getting closed.

DH's drone got repaired and is on it's way back. Cost $100 to fix. He'd better be more careful from now on! But just in time to get it back, since they are starting on the house framing. I still can't believe there's really going to be a house one of these days....I had a dream last  night about it.  It was almost done and I was walking through wasn't even like it really is, LOL. And the kitchen! Oh my! It has every appliance you could imagine and then some. I was walking around in awe, going "how did I get all this stuff?".  The funny part is I don't even like to cook.....


  1. Since you are on the property, your husband can see exactly when workers show up and leave. That is one gross man if he works and does not bathe so people cannot tell his race! Does he have a wife? Can you imagine sleeping with that?

    1. DH was literally at the property from morning till at least end of afternoon every day since construction started on the shop, so he was aware (and annoyed! LOL). That old neighbor guy had a wife - he was cheating on her and she moved out a year ago. The very next day he moved his (very young) girlfriend in and her two little ones. I cannot imagine living or sleeping with someone like that. The inside of that rental house must be disgusting, too.

  2. I know you're 'roughing' it right now but your dream is becoming a reality.
    How exciting is this?!!

    1. it is exciting and while this "roughing" it isn't the ideal situation, I just keep telling myself 6 more months, 6 more months. haha.

  3. Would it help to have a dishpan of water near the door to clean the dog's paws on these muddy days? Might help keep some mud out of your new shouse. I cannot wait for you to officially be finished with your other house. Exciting times!

  4. We've come up with an idea to try for the dogs. I'll write about it in my next post!
