Wednesday, August 15, 2018


For some reason DH was thinking our closing date (which probably won't happen on that date anyway) of the 22nd was next Tuesday. He had me schedule the moving guys for next Monday. Then this morning he realized the 22nd is Wednesday, not Tuesday. Tuesday would be better for moving into the shop.....because the darn company doing the epoxy coating on our shop floor lied to us. DH had specifically asked the guy how soon we could get on the floor because we then right away had to start moving in. He said the next day. Well, when they started working on it Monday (they will be done today, a day early) they then said you should wait a week! DH was a bit mad. Anyhow, with being able to have the movers come Tuesday now, that gives the floor an extra day to cure.

It does look nice and shiny with the epoxy, but I wish DH had chosen the light tan color instead of the gray. Now he's wishing he had, too. It looks great, but the tan would have gone better with all our other colors. DH is a neat freak, so this shiny floor is just up his alley.

I just ordered my hot plate from Target. I had $5 gift card balance left, so got it for $12 and 2 day shipping so will be here on Friday. Thursday afternoon we are taking the pickup to the city to get the piece of carpet remnant and a small compact refrigerator. I ordered it online with Lowes for pickup, so that should save us time and I'm supposed to earn some ebates cash back.

Our older dog isn't limping anymore, so that is a big relief.

I did pick up some multi-vitamins, so I have started taking those.  Trying to use up what is is my freezer and fridge, but DH never feels like eating much dinner by the time he gets home. The compact fridge will have a small freezer on top, so hopefully I can fit in what is left.

I just called phone company. They are hooking up phone/internet on Friday. I wanted to find out if we could keep our same landline# and also if I would take my modem with me. Answers yes to both.


  1. That sure looks very nice. That is a huge shop. I hope the epoxy will cure fast enough. Can you find out if the closing will happen on the 22nd? If not, may be you can give the epoxy some more time to cure. It took a lot of time but looks like it was worth it. Enjoy your new place!

    1. I tried to ask our agent if the appraisal isn't due until Friday can we still close on Wed, since they also have to give the 3 days mandatory notice and he said yes. BUT, I'm fairly certain the VA appraiser is going to want the siding cracks fixed, so that will end up delaying, most likely

  2. That looks huge!!! With the humidity, I would want it to cure longer than the week they said. I like the gray better than the tan. I think it will reflect more light, making things brighter when other items are in the shop. I don't think it will clash, just look white.

    1. it's big 48x26. They are done with it and we won't move until Tuesday. Plus the guy checked the humidity/moisture level and it's good (we don't have as much humidity like you guys get)

  3. Replies
    1. thank you. It's going to look jam packed when we have to move everything we own into it, while waiting on house LOL. Eventually it will be the nice roomy shop DH envisioned, haha

  4. Replies
    1. supposed to be by end of year, but I'm not holding my breath at all, considering how long this took

  5. it looks great! its a lovely big space

    1. it will be DH's dream shop - once we aren't living in there LOL

  6. The space looks great! Love the floors!

    1. Thanks. they are shiny and slippery in socks LOL
