Thursday, June 8, 2017

What a long week this has been

Long story short (I'm turning over a new leaf LOL) the renters did get their letter from the developer and they are going to sue Us, apparently. I can't imagine for what, haha. As of last night they've been told by the sheriff (a sergeant) to knock off the late night noise and have also been warned that if the sheriff see their kids playing in the street, with no supervision, they will be reported to CPS. I'm so sick of white trash. I'll just leave it at that.

DD and her BF are coming for a visit next week for about 3 1/2 days. Yay! We've got some sight seeing planned and I'm taking a few days off work. It's also her BF's birthday, so we'll take them out to a birthday dinner too.

This afternoon I made a tuna casserole for dinner - half went into the freezer for another meal. Yay me. I'll be very appreciate I did that next time I don't feel like cooking dinner or don't have much time.

It's been like 90 this week. Our house is so warm and stuffy. But we've been hesitant to open up windows in the evening because we already have to listen to enough volume of noise, we sure don't need to hear it even louder than it is. Today DH put the screens back on a couple of windows. One in my office and the living room (plus we can open our dining room sliding door). Hoping to get some of the now cooler air coming in. It's helped so much already...but I'm sure we'll have to close them up when renter gets home, as I really doubt he has any intention of being a decent, quiet neighbor. But for now, I'm sitting in my office typing this with a nice breeze coming through. Tomorrow the temp really drops - to the 60's. much better!

A little while ago DH was over at friend neighbors chatting with them...and our suspicions of renter getting a heads up the two times we called dispatch on him were confirmed - he (or his buddies) has a radio for being on volunteer fire dept. Friend neighbor has one also, for being a volunteer ambulance driver and she said "heck ya, he can hear everything on his radio!". Anyhow, she was telling DH a funny story and there kept being this beeping noise coming from somewhere and she stops mid sentence and says "WHAT is that beeping noise?!" Her hubby says "I don't know, sound like a back up alarm" DH says "sounds like a smoke alarm"  "OH CRAP!" says neighbor as she runs back into her house to save whatever she was cooking/baking LOL.


  1. The renters are suing you? Wow! But it is true, anyone can at least try to sue anyone for anything.

    1. I'm sure whatever it might be is of course lies. That's how they roll.

  2. Who told you that the renters will sue you? On what grounds? Such idiots. Well, patience is the key.

    1. The renter wife told DH! At 9:30 the other night he (and she) were outside making a load of noise. Oh boy, we get to enjoy our 10th straight night of listening to tools banging, air tools, etc until 1am or later. So DH was on porch and said very calmly "hey, is this going to be going on every night?" and he said smart ass "Maybe" then his wife piped up "it's our racing season so ya, we're going to be doing this". DH said "well, did you get your letter from the developer? where it says you can't be doing this stuff anymore?" and she says "Ya, we go the letter and we're going to sue you". Who knows for what.

  3. When we were looking to buy all our realtor kept repeating to us was "Location location, location!" Wow, was she right! We looked at the house we are in now and just fell in love... looked at a few more and what a difference looking at neighbors and roads and surrounding areas... the first one was a no brainier. And don't regret were we are.
    don't you love how people throw the word sue around now? Its unbelievable.
    Good luck ! I do believe you have a battle on your hands.


    1. We really tried to do our due diligence but were apparently lied to and deceived about this neighbor. DH viewed house and all his junk wasn't there (just a trampoline and and old vehicle). Now we find out he moved it out before we looked at house and then moved it all back. We can somewhat deal and be patient with the junk, but not the noise until 1 or 2 am every night.

  4. Your neighbors are nuts! Sure wish the landlord would get rid of them for you.

    1. they are just complete white trash people. The sergeant did mention that when he talked with them (in his words he gave them as "ass chewing") they said they have 6 months left in their lease and are moving when it's up (PLEASE DO!!!!). The renter guy also said to them "my dream is to live on 1000 acres where no one can bother me". The sergeant told him, well that's all well and good but you live here now and there are rules to follow.

  5. I'd say if the police have to warn you they are going to call CPS on you.........well then, you are doing it wrong!
