Sunday, June 25, 2017


Friday ended up being a very busy day. I worked half the day, then went into the city by myself to get some misc shopping done and stock up on some groceries. DH was busy working on the sofa table and I wanted to go by myself anyway. Much easier looking at stuff when someone is not with me making me feel like I have to hurry and get done. I needed a pair of shorts (I only have one pair of jean capris for this hot weather) and a couple of t-shirts. I figured I could probably pick up something cheap at Walmart.

First I stopped at Ross. I like to look through their home decorating stuff. You never know what you will find and it's always cheap. I did pick up a few things to put on top of my new sofa table that totaled $20. While I was there DH texted he needed some more screws from Lowe's. Ugh. Another stop. Oh well.

I then headed to Walmart. Got everything on my list, except a case for DH's new ipad mini. I really didn't want to spend $25 and am hoping I can find something cheaper on Amazon. I did find a pair of Cargo bermuda shorts for $14 and 2 t-shirts that were like $5 each. Though the shirts were slim pickins in size medium. Loaded up the car and put the frozen and cooler stuff in my insulated bags. Stopped in Lowes real quick to get the screws and then decided to stop at Subway and bring home sandwiches for dinner. DH had received a Subway gift card from his parents for his birthday and that's the closest Subway to our house LOL. Nice to have a free dinner and we haven't had Subway since we moved.

I got home at 4:30 and about 45 minutes later DH's good friend called and said there was a car show/cruise in the city that he was taking his old car to and DH should bring his pickup truck ie. the metal scultpure on wheels) out. Even though DH was pretty tired from working on the table project all day, he decided to go. So into his pickup we climbed and another trip (45 min) back to the city for me. LOL. It was really fun though. Heard lots of "nice truck" and that made DH feel good. Around 9pm all the cars did a cruise through town, which brought back tons of memories for DH as he used to "cruise the drag" on Friday and Saturday nights there as a teenager. But this was like being in a parade - there were tons of people lining the sidewalks to watch. Our friends wife and daughter watched from the bridge (her hubby and son rode in their old car) and said she could overhear teenagers saying "no fair, we never get to cruise", since it seems to be illegal now everywhere.

Yesterday I got all the flowers and shrubs watered first thing in the morning and then cleaned house. DH had to wash his pickup (of course). Lots of bugs from the highway drive. We are indeed having a "neighbor free weekend" again this weekend. Ahhh...the peace and quiet :)  The guy that owns the 4 lots across the street and on each end of our side had someone come out and mow down all the grass/weeds that were 3 feet tall. It looks SO much better. We use that area to throw the ball to our dog and I haven't been using it the past 2-3 weeks because it's gotten so tall the ball would just get lost. DH talked to the mower guy and he's going to go out to our property to look it over for mowing and give us an estimate on our 2 acres. Said he charges $80/hour and it didn't take him more than 2 hours to do what he did here, so I'm thinking it would be about hour and a half work. Probably 1/4 of our 2 acres is steep river bank.

Trying to keep the house as cool as possible - supposed to be 92 the next 2 days. I like 70, yes I do.


  1. Crusin__i have not seen that done since I was a teen.
    We have someone do our yard weekly, but this summer a kid around the corner is trying to earn money for a trip to Ireland, so he is cutting the grass for less than half of what the other guy charges.

  2. I think $80 an hour is exorbitant! Thank goodness your neighbors are gone on weekends. You sound like life is more pleasant for the two of you.

  3. This was a guy with a backhoe company and he was using a big tractor type mower to mow a big field, it wasn't like a little John Deere mower. The equipment he had to use was more like farm equipment
