Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The auction continued

Once we won our auction bid then we looked at each other and said "oh geez! how are we going to get this home tonight?!"

I went and paid for it while DH was asking a guy if it would be possible to come and pick this up the next day (which he said we could, that's what they had to do last year with an item). Then DH called another friend who doesn't live too far away to see if he could run over with his pickup but he was out of town at a sports event with his kids. Then the guy who invited us said he had come in his pickup, so he would haul it and run it over to us Sunday morning. Ok whew! problem solved, for the most part. Except it was supposed to be raining really hard heading in the direction we were all headed. We covered it with the cardboard it got delivered in and luckily it didn't rain.

What is it you ask?!!

Scroll down to see!



Scrolling :)

Keep Scrolling...

One more time

Almost there

A handmade log bed! Queen sized with adorable black bears carved into it. Now, I know this certainly isn't everyone's taste in furniture, but for a guest bedroom, I love it. Our house will be a rustic timber frame style house, so will fit with it. And after all we live in bear and log home country. All's I could think was that someday we will probably have a grandchild and how cool will it be to come over to stay in grandma and grandpa's big bear bed? :)

We are just storing it, for now, as we don't currently have an extra bedroom to put this in. But, once we build our house we'll have 2 guest bedrooms and I'll have a separate office room, so won't need to use one of the bedrooms as an office. I had honestly never thought about buying a log bed before (it's made by a local guy) but funny thing is a little while ago when I was scrolling through Pinterest I pinned this bedding set as something I would love to have in one of my guest bedrooms in my new house

So, I'm kind of thinking it was meant to be 😁


  1. That is sooo awesome! We also live in moose/bear country and are going for a rustic modern look in our house. I could totally see this in our spare bedroom! You got a fantastic buy on this bed. It is beautiful!

    1. I think we got a good deal on it, too. I especially like that it's handmade and from a local craftsman. I can't wait to decorate that room!

  2. OMG....it's adorable. I love it. It will look so great in your guest room. Perfect.

    PS: when am I invited? LOL.......

    1. let's see....hopefully in about a year and a half LOL

  3. I love it!!! You got a good buy plus you helped support a cause that you like.

    1. Yes and I like that it is something kind on unique, not many people have a bear log bed ;)

  4. I LOVE IT!!!! I am falling head over heels for the rustic look here - though it is all spurs and stars, deer and cows! LOL I like the bear and moose look much better!

    1. I like those stars. DH was in Texas a few months ago and saw lots of those. I see a few around here.
