Friday, February 8, 2013

Who is saving $100 per month?

ME!! That's who! I went to Costco tonight to price out DH's 2 prescriptions. One was $40 a month cheaper and the other was $60 a month savings. Holy Cow! Wish I would have known a long time ago that a non Costco member could use their pharmacy and that their prescriptions are so much cheaper. Probably not a lot of savings to a person with prescription coverage/copays, but now that he doesn't have generic coverage anymore, it's a huge savings for us.

DD and I had to wait about 30 minutes for them to fill the one he needs now, so we walked around and looked and priced things. Everything is so BIG. Might be worth it for some things to get a membership for $55 - I've already saved almost twice that much in one month and while I am there picking up his prescriptions I can pick up the other items that would save money. Still thinking about it......I really just dislike shopping there.


  1. Glad you found such a great savings at Costco! I love having a membership there - it has paid for itself over and over again with just using their travel (rental car) - and I do go in there for some food items - salmon, other meat. The prices are great. You can break up the larger pieces and freeze. The only think I hate is that they only take cash/check or AmEx. I use my credit card for EVERYTHING - but it's not AmEx! So I have to always make sure I have either enough cash or the checkbook on me! A bit annoying, but still glad we got a membership.

  2. My friend goes there for prescriptions as well.. they do have great prices! Well done!!

  3. We just got a Costco but I haven't been there yet. It's nice to know that the prescriptions are way cheaper.

  4. Why do you dislike shopping there? I think it's a great place to go to, if you use items in bulk-quantities.

  5. $100 savings is a wonderful find! prescriptions can be so expensive! New follower here enjoying your blog :) add you to my bloglist

    We do not have a Costco near us at all but my sister enjoys going there I know.

  6. Tanner - I just hate shopping where there are big crowds and long lines and almost every time I have been to Costco it is like that. DS's girlfriend told us to go on a Friday evening and it would be "dead". was still really crowded and long lines. We had to wind our way down through the snacks to get over to the pharmacy because of all the people waiting in line to checkout. Plus, there isn't that much I need or have room to store such huge quantities.
    Even with my normal grocery shopping I try to go when it's least crowded.

    Poor to Rich - thanks for reading and putting me on your bloglist!

    Susie - I forgot about the cash/check AmEx thing.

  7. We have to drive 90min for Costco so only do every 6 weeks or longer in the winter. So I stock up on money to be able to go and stock up. I can't dog food ANYWHERE as cheaply as there, same with "egg beaters", fuel and a few other things. Plus with cheap hotdogs and pizza in the snack bar its a cheap lunch date as I haven't had any problems with their Kirkland brand of stuff either all tastes good.

  8. Great tip! I wouldn't have known that non-members could use the Costco pharmacy without a Costco card so that is definitely good to know!

  9. They sell Kirkland brand items? That's what Aldi sells. No Costco here - we have Sam's but I'm no longer a member. Glad to hear you'll be saving that much!

  10. Michelle, as far as I've always thought Kirkland brand was Costco, LOL. I've never seen that brand anywhere else

  11. I have both Sam's and Costco! both are nice to have.


  12. Kirkland brand is Costco's brand. Costco started in Seattle, & Kirkland is a neighboring town & the site of my local Costco. :-) We find that much of their produce (when in season) is very reasonably priced.
