Friday, February 22, 2013

My girl and dinner

I love my daughter to pieces. She is my best friend and thankfully we get along great and love to spend time together. But, I also know that this precious time we get to spend together is quickly making it's way toward her being away at college and off to her own life. That is why I try to enjoy every minute of it. She is so smart and so funny. There are so many times we say the exact thing at the same time and it always makes us laugh when we do. She likes to go anywhere with me, even if it's just to the grocery store. In fact, if I go do the weekly shopping without her, she gets mad at me! We message each other often during the day, via either text or email.

She decided to make dinner last night with a recipe she found online. We had almost all the ingredients and she stopped and picked up what she needed. I did end up having to help her with some of it - she wasn't sure what exactly to do with the piece of chicken breast to get it from a slimy piece of chicken into the "shredded chicken" the recipe called for. But, it was time spent together, so that was good. She even added her own touch by adding black olives. Her Southwest Crispy Chicken Wraps turned out delicious! We saved the leftover filling so we can have them again.

I'll be taking every minute I can with her the next year and a half before she goes off to college. Tonight she is going to a school play with some friends. Usually she takes me with her, but the last couple of times she has just gone with friends and that is ok too....she's training Mom to learn to be without her :-)


  1. You two are blessed to have such a nice relationship with each other. That's wonderful, and though it may become tougher once she's off to school, it will simply change and evolve. Dinner looks great too!

  2. 47 I still prefer my Mom's company to anyone other than hubby. Too bad she lives 1200 miles away :(

  3. Aww.. my DD and I are the same way... she's 15, so I have a bit more time with her yet... but I love that we're so close! She's now decided to come home from Gmas as long the crickets stay in her brothers room in the basement.. haha!!
