Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Job potential

Ok! Ds finally has a couple of phone interviews lined up for a couple of potential jobs.  One is on Thursday and one Friday.   Neither is too close to home, but that's the way of it in this metropolitan area. One job is about 40 miles north (but he can take the train and company pays for it) and he has an "in" as it's where a friend of our family works.  The other job is 35 miles south (a bit closer and a much better drive) and sounds like he would love working there. A small software company that sounds like "fun" is their middle name.  I'm so excited for him I can hardly stand to wait and see how they go. I am so hoping one of them will lead to a job!


  1. Sending you good vibes! Hope all go wells

  2. Thanks all! Today's phone interview went well and he made it to the next "step" - they emailed him some skills and personality assessment tests to do online. If he does ok on those he'll get called for an in-person interview.
