Saturday, January 25, 2025

No eggs

We went to dh's follow up GI doctor appt yesterday. Basically what we expected - he just reiterated what the doctor who performed the EUS said. They don't see anything alarming, have another MRI in 3 months and come back for a follow up appt for that. If the pain (which is off and on now and not bad) worsens, let him know.

Not even a few weeks into this year and he's already met his health insurance out of pocket max of $5,000. Ouch, especially since I just spent that for him the last few months of 2024. For this I am just going to take it out of my HSA to pay for. $10k in less than 4 months time is a bit much to cover on my own. At least the MRI (the last one ran around $2000), dr appt in 3 months, his proscriptions, and anything else he may have this year will now be 100% covered. 

After we got done with the appointment dh decided he wanted to take the truck through a car wash. We haven't used that in awhile. Boy, they sure have raised their prices. But a one time expense (most likely) for the winter months is ok. Too cold to wash it himself and it really did need it.

Walmart had notified me they were out of eggs and my coffee creamer. Completely out of eggs that they couldn't even sub? same with coffee creamer - it's just french vanilla, there's lots of brands with that flavor. I hadn't planned on stopping at the other grocery store this time, but we had to have eggs, so we had to stop. I made it worth my while while there and went ahead and got more of the salmon and also decided to grab more bread. DH has been going through the amount I normally purchase quite fast as he's started having a sandwich in the evenings, as a snack. The other store had plenty of eggs in stock.

Today I will be staining. I'm guessing it will be about 4 hours, like last time. This should be the last of it, though. I will persevere! At least the shop is heated and the tv is playing youtube music.

I bought stuff to make a banana cream pie. I got the sugar free pudding mix, so hopefully not quite as bad to eat/sugar wise. Plus, it's my birthday on Monday, I want a treat :)


  1. Happy Birthday 🎂!!

  2. Happy Birthday! How much were eggs. I am glad your husband is okay.

    1. Thanks! I got an 18 packs of cage free eggs for $8.99

  3. I'm thankful we get farm eggs from friends of ours. I've seen them as much as 5.99 a dozen at our Kroger. Enjoy your Birthday weekend.

    1. I miss getting eggs. Still trying to decide if I want to get a couple more hens....

  4. Eggs were $9.99 at Publix in AL.

  5. Wow, your out-of-pocket medical costs are horrendous!!!! But I'm glad your DH is ok!

    1. I suppose if I saw your income tax rates I'd think that is horrendous ;). I suppose you pay for it that way and we pay for it out of pocket, if we have a medical issue.

  6. Happy early birthday! Hope the staining is going well!

  7. I have heard that the walmart people who pick your groceries are getting lazy and just don't want to get the items. A friend had a pick up order and was told they were "out" and she went in the actual store and sure enough, the product was there. Just being lazy. It was lettuce, not something weird, lol. She told the manager and he was mad, but not sure what happened.
    I hope that wasn't the case with your eggs.
    Happy belated birthday. Just got back from out of town.

    1. I'm pretty sure you are right and that is what is going on. Whenever I order something weird, that's not from the grocery section (that online says is in stock), like say office supplies, they always say it's out.
