Sunday, January 26, 2025

More missing food

Speaking of eggs being out of stock - what's with not being in stock (at least my last 2 grocery orders) with the 30oz jar of Best Foods Mayo? I don't like those huge jars and the little ones or the squeeze ones are too expensive. I found a 3 pack of 30oz jars (for same per jar price as usual) that Walmart will ship, so I am ordering those. I also forgot to buy more pizza sauce (Classico pizza sauce) so I'm adding a 3 pack of that to my order (working my way towards the $35 free shipping).

I had enough leftover pizza sauce in the fridge to make pizza for dinner last night. It tasted so good. I also have not been able to get any bags of the frozen mushrooms anymore that Walmart used to sell. I decided to get fresh baby bella mushrooms and just freeze them myself, except they were out of stock of the smaller container, so I had to get the 16oz size. I put them on trays and froze them and then transferred to a big ziploc bag. Now I have lots of mushrooms to use for pizzas and spaghetti. I use jarred spaghetti but like to add in mushrooms and sauteed onions.

I usually only make pizza about once a month and buy the smallest little can of sliced olives. Use about half and then end of throwing out the rest, because I didn't think they would last opened in the fridge that long, but apparently they can last months. And I noticed that a larger can was actually a bit cheaper than that tiny can. So I used some olives for the pizza and poured the rest into one of my glass containers that seal really good. Trying to waste less food and save money! I might even chop some up tiny and toss in my spaghetti sauce next time I make spaghetti.

The staining, part 2, got done yesterday afternoon. About 2 1/2 hours worth. He is done with the ceiling on long back wall. He just has a little corner loft to finish and there is a small group of boards that need stained for that. I'm guessing about an hours worth of staining and I will be done. Not sure if he's working on that today or not. Probably, but he still needs to get the lights installed in the part he finished yesterday and I know he will do that today and then he'll probably carry on with finishing the other part.

I am liking that we're getting a little bit more daylight time now. Gradually getting lighter out earlier and staying light a bit longer. 8am now and I can see outside for a change. Still very cold, though. 7 degrees when I got up this morning. 

I just went to let the cat out and caught this sunrise. Happy Sunday!



  1. I have not been in the grocery store for two or three weeks. I send Tommy in. So far, nothing is missing. He would not report any empty shelves or spots.
    I also put a tsp of butter and tsp or more of olive oil in jarred spaghetti.
    I think it was last Thursday that I commented that we were out at 5pm and did not have to drive home in the dark. Usually, at 3:30 we have to be on the way home from Publix or any place close by. Further away, and we lose the light by the time we are close to home. I love it.
    Your husband must be saving a small fortune on the cost of work he is doing.

  2. Gorgeous sunrise! I think you should get more chickens again, it's all set up for them!! :p

  3. FYI, mayonnaise is made with eggs… Bird flu is a serious issue right now. Hope it resolves quicker than I think

  4. Mayonnaise is basically egg whites, olive oil and vinegar…LOADS of egg whites. I have made it before when I couldn’t find mayonnaise in the store without soybean oil. Anyway, It’s the ripple effect.
    -Meg B.

    1. Ack!!! EGG YOLKS, not egg whites!!!!! (Though you can use the whole egg.) I had seven minute frosting on my mind because I have a Devil’s food cake in the oven. (Uses egg whites…I am so sick of butter cream.) A kid is laughing at you and me because I frequently misspeak ingredients when I cook with them to some spectacularly hilarious results. “Mom, she’s going to wind up making meringues now, thanks to you, poor woman!”

    2. I didn't correlate the eggs with the mayo shortage, but certainly makes sense

  5. If you have a set up already for chickens I would get a few. We have to many hawks, coyotes and other chicken eating animals around for me to do it. I do benefit from many friends that raise them or I would maybe do it.

    1. we have too many predators as well, so mine coop is just an enclosed one
