Thursday, January 23, 2025

More lumber

DH got his lumber delivered shortly after he ran into town to order/pay for it. Different driver kid this time. Must be new, dh said he was really nervous. He got most of it cut into the lengths he wanted. He tried to hint at me doing some staining last thank you...I'm available on weekends, LOL. I think this is all the lumber he needs to finish up the ceiling underneath the loft. There's also another small loft in the front corner of the shop and I think he got enough to finish that off, as well. Basically, he has one section on the long, back wall loft, to finish and then that other smaller corner loft.

After that, I think the next project is to purchase some cabinets to put on the back wall, under the loft - or maybe he will build the bench with shelves underneath next. He should probably do that part next. Once he gets the bench/shelves and cabinets he will be able to get a lot of the stuff he has in bins and on carts put away into the shelves and cabinets and that should free him up some more floor space. The cabinets are expensive :/  We had purchased some several years ago for the wall when you first walk into the shop, where he has this long metal bench with shelves under. He had gotten that long metal bench w/shelves years ago on Craigslist for cheap. I think it was from a restaurant kitchen. We've always called it the "kitchen table" for some reason, LOL.

I see that my mom's retirement account tax document is coming in today's mail, so that's good. I can get her return finished up and submitted. Hopefully, I don't have to go through the delay I did last year. Her return did not get marked "deceased" because according to the instructions (and that's how TurboTax did it) it gets marked that on their final return and for 2023 she wasn't deceased. Anyhow, with showing deceased now, in the tax program, it is creating the form that goes with it, saying who/where to send the refund to. That's what I ended up having to send in last year...which I thought odd because everything I read said the IRS doesn't get notified of deaths (like Social Security does) but apparently they do. Speaking of Social Security....still waiting on that payment...........

Tomorrow afternoon dh has a follow up appt with his GI doctor (not the doctor who performed the endoscopy), so I guess we'll see if he has any idea/suggestions on how we figure out what is going on with dh or what to do/try now. After that appointment we'll pick up groceries again. 3 weeks goes by fast, but I am almost out of bread, I am out of apples, and enough turkey lunch meat through tomorrow. DH has started making himself a sandwich as a snack in the evenings and is using up the bread faster than usual. I ordered an extra 2 loaves on this order. 

I have run out of the churro type cat treats. This is bad LOL.


  1. Amos needs his treats! That is the most important item on the grocery run, LOL!

    1. it appears it has now become the most important item, or a tie with dh's Mountain Dew LOL
