Saturday, June 13, 2020

To sleep or not to sleep

So, I was reading this article about medications that can affect cognitive/memory. One of them mentioned in the article was the "PM" part of like Tylenol or Advil PM. Long term use isn't good. Every so often my mom would mention "oh I couldn't sleep, so I took one of my 'sleeping pills'". I just recently realized she meant Tylenol PM. I had thought maybe she had some other OTC sleep aid, I know my grandma used to take them often, but she has Tylenol PM, so I didn't think much of it, until I just read this article today.

I started wondering how often is she taking these? I'll bet money the mornings she doesn't feel well for a couple of hours is after she's taken this the night before. I called her to ask and she said she probably takes them several times a week and some nights she takes 2! No wonder some mornings she sounds chipper and some mornings not. Probably depends if she took any the night before.

I told her that I have a feeling this could be what's causing her morning problems and I also told her that I read an article that said it's possible long term regular use can affect the memory (especially in an older person) and so she's going to stop taking them to see how she feels. Hopefully she'll REMEMBER to NOT take them and that we discussed this. I'll have to keep reminding her and actually take the pills or put a note on them not to take when I am there Sunday.

While I know it won't be some magical cure all for her memory, I do have a strong hunch she will start having better mornings. It will be interesting to see if it clears up her mind a bit, too. I'll bet she's been taking these for years.  And something to discuss with the doctor. Though quite honestly, I feel like doctors don't ever really listen and don't have much of a problem just prescribing and prescribing. Usually they end up prescribing sometime to counter act the effects of the previous medication they just prescribed.


  1. The same is true of may over the counter allergy type medicine. but I understand its the long term use so I wold think using it one ight versus not would not affect. just like missing a day of glucosomine doesnt affect arthritis if you take it al the time?

    1. I'm not sure I understand what you are saying? that her using it every night and missing a night here and there wouldn't affect her or are you saying it would probably not have much effect taken once in awhile? Sorry, I tried to read it, but maybe I haven't had enough coffee to get me going this morning.

      The PM medicines have the exact same thing as benadryl is. 25 mg of it. Sometimes she is apparently taking twice that amount. I know for myself that any time I have taken 1 benadryl (a couple of times for a bee sting) it totally knocks me out for like 4 hours. I'm sure it doesn't affect everyone the same, but if it does affect her the same (she says it does help her fall right to sleep) then I imagine 2 pills is really knocking her out for the night and I can imagine that is why she is feeling so crappy in the mornings. Her BF used to describe it as she's just "lethargic" a lot of mornings. Whether long term use affects the memory (especially in someone already aged/aging) it probably hasn't been proven, but doesn't seem like it would be too good for her to be taking so often over many years.

  2. I am going to check and see if anything I take besides the Protonix affects memory. I really don't want anything that makes me forgetful. I would remove all the pills from her place.

  3. I bet that could play a part in her not feeling well in the mornings. She's waking up in a haze. What about melatonin. I take that occasionally & don't' feel bad the next morning. Definitely something to talk to the doctor about.

    1. I'll have to check on melatonin. I'm going to ask dr when we go in a couple of weeks.

  4. Taking the pill the night before might have something to do with how she feels some mornings, especially if she takes two! My mother used to take half a regular (not extra strength) Tylenol at night, claiming it helped her sleep, and I checked with her doctor and she said it was OK, as it was such a low dose.

    1. did you mom take the "PM" kind or just regular tylenol? I wish I knew what nights she took them (and especially 2) to see if it corresponded to the mornings.

  5. A few nights, I took Tommy's Benadryl and felt awful until about dinner the next night. Lately, I know I take too much melatonin and know it makes me droopy the next morning. I really don't know what else to do since I have to sleep sometime. I just won't take Benadryl again.
