Tuesday, June 16, 2020


We just had a laugh, though I'm sure there are some that won't think so, but if you knew the guy and this small town, it is.

DH came across a Facebook post to one of our county council members Facebook page that "two guys were standing over in the corner and not social distancing at the little convenience store at the gas station" in our little town and when they were "confronted" about it they just laughed and told the guy "we're fine". Should he report it to the county health department or who? As DH is reading this he's thinking OMG, I wonder if it's our older retired friend that stops by to visit with us all the time?! He goes in there for coffee and a chat with his buddy every morning - for years. DH is reading down through the comments and someone says "did you get a picture of them?" and so they post it. Sure enough, it's our friend. Oh gosh, I can just see him telling someone to mind their own business. He is like 73 and has lived in this little town for like forever. Not to mention there has not been one case of it in our county, and if someone came in the store and needed to get to the ice cream freezer they were standing in front of at 7am, they would have been more than happy to go move 6 feet away.  He doesn't have Facebook, but being such a small town, I'm sure in no time he found out about it. His wife has Facebook.

We were outside chatting with our neighbor last evening. (he's got another new p/t job, LOL). Our older dog was playing with one of his dogs. Running and wrestling. You wouldn't know he's almost 12 years old. Silly dog won't play with his brother, LOL. I thought he might be a bit stiff and sore today, but he's all good.

The town has an annual car show outside in front of what has been an unused building, for years. But now a corner of the building is in use for a small cafe and apparently that cafe owner wanted to double the "rent" for the car show to be there for 2 days, so they moved it to another spot a few doors down. Just stupid. I'll bet her business would have quadrupled that weekend with people going inside to get food and drink from her, since they were right there. There was no reason to double the rent, other than just being greedy.


  1. Small towns care...lol...sure. That woman will probably still profit. That was really a stupid move. As you showed, people in small towns do talk.

  2. Talk about profiteering! There is a small café opposite where I used to work - and frankly not much else there. So they cater to the lunch crowd from work and after work drinks - and make a damn good living. The owner of the café then decided that she wanted a piece of the action after all the hard work Luigi and his wife had put in to make this place profitable so she gave them notice. Right then covid hit and the café was closed for about 10 weeks - and Luigi and his wife moved about four doors down and opened up there. Doesn't pay to be greedy does it.

    1. they just moved the car show basically across the street, but I'm sure everyone probably asked, after years and years being in the same spot, why was it moved? And I'm sure then most people probably just didn't go give the cafe business, as they would have, for the weekend. Lots of people come from out of town, so want to eat somewhere

  3. We lost a wonderful coffee shop in town becasue the building owner and coffe hosue owner couldn't come to terms on rent. Nothing has been successful since in that space!

    1. People need to stop being greedy, especially in this time. It was already going to be a smaller/less attended car show because of Covid, so why not help them out and keep the rent the same as previous years. Not to mention the money the car show gets from entrance fees they use for local scholarships!
