Monday, June 15, 2020

It's a Monday kind of Monday

I can tell already this is not going to be a good Monday (or probably week). They (IT) are trying to change how I remote into work and it's already not working. I have a feeling I am not going to be a happy camper with this new set up. They tried something like this years before, where they tried to have me log into the server and the accounting system/program was like a snail, so they had to change me back to remoting directly into my computer at the office. But, apparently (now that I no longer have a desk there at the office) that computer has just been sitting on the floor in the server room closet and it's in their way. Right now the change has been put on hold and our internal IT guy is having to get our outside IT guy involved because right off the bat stuff isn't working right, so he put me back to my old way until it's resolved. UGH! He was like we should just be able to change you over to the new log in and nothing's changed. um....where's all my saved files? where's all my saved website links/login's for websites I have to access regularly (like our bank)? "Oh....." LOL

Another thing I did was take a couple other meds out of my mom's bathroom, when she wasn't looking. One was an "ointment" that I think she tried on her rash.....I looked it up and it was a prescription she had gotten a couple years ago - that is ointment to treat skin cancer! Sounds like pretty strong stuff and I think she got it after she had some removed from her leg. The tube expired Jan of this year and I don't want her thinking it's something to put on her skin now. She also had a bottle of some Tyenol with codeine she had been prescribed 2 years ago (it was prescribed at same time she had the skin cancer removed) and it expired a year ago. I don't recall seeing that bottle before, or I would have thrown it out, but it's gone now.

My new ink toner arrived for my printer on Saturday. It prints out great, nice and dark. And they were only $10 ea!! Not sure how long they will last, but I don't typically print out very much anymore. Just a few checks for my side job and occasionally will print out work bank statements to reconcile from. My printer is just a laser jet black and white printer. An actual Brother cartridge for this printer is $60. Hell no.

Well, I need to call my mom and see how she's doing this morning. She must have figured out her medication alarm at 9:15 this morning because she didn't call me (thankfully, as I was on the phone with IT guy).


  1. Occasionally, I get too many meds here that are expired because I just shuffle them around. I think it helps anyone to look through the meds often. I am glad she is so close that you can keep a good eye on meds. Hopefully, her memory will not get worse, but maybe not better.
    That would be stressful not being able to work efficiently. Hopefully, someone will get it all done.

    1. I have the same problem leaving meds up in my cabinet, but with all the moves the last 4 years have been very good about getting rid of expired stuff.

  2. How is the desk in their way if many folks are working remotely? People need to leave well enough alone!!

    I am glad the ink works for your printer, i ordered no name cartridges for our fax once, sounded like a dead duck lmao!

    1. it's just the computer itself that is in the way. There is no desk for me at the office any more, so my computer got put in the "server closet" and it's sitting on the floor. While everyone is still working from home, the IT guy does still go in and take care of things when needed.

  3. I used to hate it when we got switched to "new and improved" systems because they never worked right away. Oh sure they'd get there eventually (6-12 months) but that didn't stop us having to get contracts out and run the payroll on time. Gosh I don't miss that!

    1. it's working pretty well, other than a couple of small glitches that should be worked out by this evening. Speed wise it's all good. I had hoped it fixed the problem of internet being slow while now logged into this vpn, but it didn't. I can log into my other jobs vpn and it doesn't slow my internet down. Oh well.
