Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Just in waiting and hoping mode

I have been pretty convinced that we would probably not be getting our second half of our yearly bonus at the end of December. At the company meeting in October they adjusted the year to date sales goal down some, but there was really no way we were going to make that even. For some reason sales are down this year (first time in many years), though our commission % rate is up, so it's kind of evened the numbers out.

But, my boss emailed me yesterday, asking for the total that we paid out in July for bonus's.....that's a good sign that they are looking to pay out something next month, at least. I sure hope so. I have never ever counted on that bonus, but this was the one time I was. It's still not for sure, but I am now at least hopeful we'll get something. I'm also really hoping I get a bonus from my side job. They have been kind of hit or miss with them, but most years I have gotten something. Last year was $1000.

Then my boss sent out an email to all employees last night about a short notice year end company meeting in 2 weeks. I kinda thought since it was almost December, combined with we probably weren't getting bonus payout, that they decided not to have a meeting. I asked my boss if she wanted me to fly over for it, but she said not really necessary. I'm kind of glad. I like a bit of time to get in the mindset to go back to all that chaos over there LOL. We decided I'll wait and get over there in Spring, so I can see the new office they move into.

We are still dealing with contractors/supplies around here who are as slow as molasses getting back to us. But, hey, the telephone company finally called this morning and were out at our property bringing in the phone line down to our property......it's only been since July we've been trying to get them to do that. DH called a site work guy about doing the septic/drainfield, foundation dug, rock wall..two weeks ago. He said he would call back last Monday. of last week and he never did. Ok, it's was a short week. So, DH called him again yesterday morning. He said he would call DH today to meet up with him out at the property. It's noon and still no call. He also called our fence guy two weeks ago to get a bid, he said he would come out last week and never called. Again, ok, it was a short week, but no call from him this week, either. What do ya gotta do to get people to work around here? It's ridiculous. Yesterday he called 3 asphalt companies to get bids started and had to leave messages with all of them. So far only one has called him back.

I usually wait until the last day of the month to check my credit score and see if any changes (for my month in review post). But, I checked it yesterday, as I was online with my credit card (making sure my payment to pay my tires balance was showing as paid in full). It's up two more, now 739. Just 1 away from that "better" 740! Hopefully by January, when applying for a construction loan, it will be at the 740.


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get the bonus. We don't have that in my job but it would be a nice Christmas present if we did. Like the 13th month I guess. Anna

    1. it would be really nice to have to put towards some of the house build stuff we want to pay out of pocket. It's kind of a "half" 13 month ;)

  2. Contractors and that ilk are like that everywhere I have found.....at least in PA, LA and VA. If someone in that line of work would return calls, show up on time and do the work in anything approaching an efficient timeline they would be swamped with jobs! lol

    1. it's annoying! LOL. We're really trying to spend the money here in this (poor/econimically) depressed county, but they sure are making it hard. DH went ahead and called another guy today about the site work/foundation since the guy never did call this morning to meet up with him. DH said he's not calling him again.

  3. Yeah, I live in a rural low-income county and we have the same problem with contractors. By contrast, I was down at my father's house in the Phoenix metro area last week, and when I called a roofing company, the guy arrived to give me an estimate for repairs in about an hour. When I noticed the fan constantly running on the outside HVAC unit, the repair guy came and it was fixed within 1 1/2 hours of when I called. Totally amazing.

    1. that's what we were used to also, coming from a large metro area. I guess there is so much competition for business they are more responsive there. It's definitely taking some adjusting the mindset to get used to. Thanks for commenting!

    2. We have noticed this too, moving from our city home to our retirement home in the depressed rural county about 4 hours away. Cannot get people to show up there, compared to the city. I agree it is competition. It has caused us to wait a couple of years to get our master bath tiled in our retirement home. But the one guy we have had do stuff for us down there is reliable (but slooooowwwww).

    3. I get if people are busy with other jobs and can't get to you right away, but to not even call and let you know is really poor service. Everyone has a cell phone on them. it would take a minute or two to call, text or email.

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