Thursday, May 15, 2014

Where's my delivery?

It's been a partially frustrating week. Trying to find things I need/want with no luck (in stores), not getting stuff I ordered, forgetting to do things. GAH!

The first of May I did an Amazon order for a room deodorizer fan (for DD's stinky tennis clothes bedroom) and a treat dispensing chew toy for one of our dogs. It was being delivered via UPS, but using the USPS as the final delivery. I HATE that! Our mailbox is around the corner in a large community type box. It does have a nice large parcel box, where she could leave us the key to get our package, but apparently someone broke the key in the lock and the post office has never fixed it. Sometimes she will try to drive down our street and stop in front of the house and honk, but it's usually pretty early (before DH is up) and our house sits so far back from our road that I don't usually hear her if I am home, so she puts the package pick up notice in our box and I have to schlep down to the awful post office and stand in line to get my package.  Last month the company that mails DH's monthly health/shake mix started using this service, instead of UPS delivering right to our door.  Another trip to the post office. I am not happy. I sent comments to Amazon and the shake mix company that I don't like this new shipping method.

So, my Amazon package was supposed to be delivered Saturday.  The notice is in my mailbox that the package can be picked up at the post office on Monday. I go in Monday afternoon and after standing in line and then waiting and waiting, find out they can't find my package. She takes down my ph# and name to keep checking and let me know. Of course they don't call. I do some tracking of the package online the next morning and see that it got returned to the seller for "insufficient address". Seriously? It made it all the way to my mailbox (doesn't fit, she can't use the parcel box and we weren't home), I got a notice with my address on it and it gets returned? I called the post office and the best they could come up with was that it got put in the return area by mistake.  Who knows how long it will take me to get the $50 credit for the order.  I'm really disliking this new delivery system that UPS and FedEx are using. I order things because I want them shipped to my door....not have to go pick them up at the post office.  Plus, we like our UPS guy! Same guy for years and years and he gives our dogs treats :-)

Then I keep forgetting to order DD some 6x6 envelopes that will fit her graduation announcements. When we ordered the cards announcing her AA degree, I guess we didn't make sure they would fit inside her high school annoucements envelopes! I finally remembered to get on Amazon this morning and place the order (about $7 and almost that much in shipping) but free shipping if I ordered $35, so even though I haven't gotten the credit on the returned order yet, I re-ordered my other stuff. Turns out the odor eliminator fan was now about $7 cheaper than when I ordered it 2 weeks ago, so at least that paid for the envelopes!  We tried to find some at the local office supply and craft stores, but no luck.


  1. Nice that it was cheaper the 2nd time around, but I can totally understand how irritating it is when things don't get there by when they are expected... I don't like the UPS/FedEx to USPS service either, because you really cannot track it once it's in USPS' hand. I had an order from Staples, shipped fine until it got to USPS. Original delivery date was Thu. No go. Friday, the site said it was in transit. Then Friday afternoon, it said it was rescheduled because nobody was available at the building... I had it sent to work, and there's people here 8-5. I didn't get it until Tuesday. Was NOT happy.

  2. Yikes! That stinks. We live in the country and have a covered porch so both our UPS and USPS guys leave stuff at our front door if we're not home. I do always give the mailman a gift so maybe that helps.

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