Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Our neighborhood situation has gotten so out of control, it's insane. The car and foot traffic up and down our little road the past few weeks has probably quadrupled. It's making the drug house traffic behind us (even though most of it is related to each other) look tame in comparison and that traffic is bad! Almost every morning I go onto our county's drug tip website and report the activity. DH has been logging it in a notebook, from what we physically happen to see outside our windows, to what is recorded on our security cameras.

Yesterday DH set the camera on the front of our garage (that faces the road) to detect motion. Every time it detects it snaps a picture. In the 24 hour period it snapped 84 pictures! And that probably didn't even catch all of them, because after it snaps it will wait 5 minutes to reset and many of these people are not at the renter's house for more than 5 minutes. Just insane. The few police deputies we've talked to when they come out say to keep calling, but if DH calls the police at 2am to report "suspicious activity or persons" the dispatchers basically tell him to ignore it. He's not calling the 911 emergency line (doesn't feel like it's life threatening...yet) but calls the non-emergency dispatch line. Someone might drive thru an hour or so later.

The activity wasn't so bad when the one deputy was working it 4 nights a week and doing arrests as the drug buyers were leaving the neighborhood, but then he told us the drug task force is working on it and getting an undercover guy on the inside and it doesn't appear he is just assigned to it, as he was. Well, since then the traffic, especially on our road, has exploded, so not sure what is going on. This morning I sent an email to the Lieutenant at our precinct (the one DH met with last month) and asked him to call as I had some questions on how to report this on the drug tip website and also about calling in the activity when it is happening. I included a screen shot of the 84 pictures! and said I don't even know how to document this much activity. A couple hours later I got a call from a deputy who says he is with the narcotics division. He is supposed to call me back later today, when he is done with something else he is working on, and then he wants to come out and talk with us and get the "lay of the land".  God, I hope something will finally get better around here at some point.  DD mentioned to me the other day that since she's not going on a "senior trip" with friends, she'd like us to take a family vacation to see Yellowstone. I was thinking this morning that there would be no way we can leave this house like that - we'd come home to nothing left and what is left would be trashed, guaranteed.


  1. That's just crazy. Hopefully the police will do something substantial.

  2. What a frustrating situation... especially when you're locked inside your own house! I'd like to think they're not just ignoring you, but busy working on other cases... they were doing so well and then stopped, and traffic increased. Wonder what happened?

  3. Heck if I was the police I'd have the appropriate authorities go after the absentee LL of that house for violations related to the house if it's in a sad state of repair. If they make life uncomfortable for the owner(in his pocket with repairs and fines)perhaps he'll send his kid packing so he doesn't have to deal with the hassle? It couldn't hurt to be applying pressure on that end and the illegal drug trafficking end too.

    While I HATE HATE HATE planned/gated/etc. communities with all their rules and HOA fees and cookie cutter lots and houses, at least it keeps situations like this from developing to this extent. I much prefer living semi-rurally.....but you just never know who is going to move in near you and cause crap like this.
    Hang in there!

    1. We have the county notified in 3 different departments (for the rental house condition, for the garbage situation, and them clearing wetlands on their latest property), the fire dept and clean air (federal) building a case from all their garbage burning they keep getting caught at, and the police for all the traffic/drug activity. Something's gotta give at some point, right?

    2. oh, and landlord isn't absent - he lives in the junkyard right on the other side of us!

  4. Yikes! Do you have a local news station that could do an expose or something?

    1. It's so prevalent, it's happening everywhere in our area, it's not news at all around here. Heavily populated suburban area. The police are woefully short on manpower, that's for sure.
