Saturday, May 22, 2021

Maybe a loud trip

DH called our friend (who is usually refer to here as our "loud friend" haha) as he is an auto mechanic and wanted to ask him a question about putting a "tuner" (whatever that is) on his pickup. The guy is like well, you probably don't need it unless you are planning to haul something heavy...dh says that's just it, I am, to Texas in July. Friend says really? I need to go down to Texas and pick up this flatbed top of an old trailer, but I've been trying to find something to haul down there to help pay for the trip. He's totally flexible on the when of it, so it would work out for our dates. He has a nice newer comfy to ride in crew cab pickup. The only "if" he hasn't gotten approval on is borrowing the trailer he wants to use that would work to haul what he is picking up in Texas. If he can use it, this is probably what we will do. We'll cover half of the gas and expenses (or knowing dh probably just pay for all the gas, since we won't be using our truck and trailer). And with 2 of them being able to drive we can probably get down there and back a bit quicker than just dh driving him and I. He said he can stay in Texas as long as we plan to, as he has a place to stay. I guess we'll see if that plan pans out. We'll probably know more next week. He's on vacation when dh called him, so won't be home for a few days. Two days each way in a truck with loud friend....I don't know LOL...either the trip will go fast because he talks the whole time or not, haha.

Uncle called last night. He's kind of noticing mom's memory is getting worse for repeating what she just said and I said I've noticed it more lately, too. He brought up someone tried to scam him out of money and he's always worried about her. I brought up I'm starting to get worried about her having her checks, as she already almost (and probably did) send in a second check for a subscription she didn't remember paying the week before. But, she's still not ready to give them up to me, so I haven't figured out a way to get them from her. He said he will call her and mention it the next couple of times, that he's worried about scammers and he thinks she should let me hold her checks. I'll start mentioning it to her, too.

We still have not (knock on wood) heard any gunshots across from us. From the way the wife first acted and mentioned the gun shooting even before dh told her why he was there, he thinks he wasn't the first that had complained to them about it. Also, that evening someone drove by real slow out on the main road in front of our street. The speed limit is 60, so when someone slows down to like 20, we notice, LOL. DH has a feeling it was that guy and saw the 3 really nice homes here and went oh...ya...I guess I can't threaten them with my money. LOL. Whatever the reason it's been like 9 days of quiet, so that's a good thing.

I seem to be getting better and more comfortable with giving my dog the injections. I have 3 more for the 2x a week routine and then can go to monthly.


  1. Maybe you can mention to her that the place she stays does not want the residents to have checks because of scammers, so you need to keep them for her. Give her money or one check, or whatever you think, so she will not be penniless. I don't think it is a bad lie.

    The trip plans get better and better all the time. I would put up with the loud talker in this case and buy earplugs or wear a noise cancelling headset. Just say you are napping or listening to music or reading a book. And, then you can nap, listen, or read.

    Maybe the shooter has had many people with money complain.

    1. she's also always thinking someone is coming into her apartment (the cleaners) and taking her things, so that might be a good "reason" to keep her checks, too.

  2. So the shooter shuts up but you're gonna ride down to Texas with the "loud guy". You're braver than I am but if it works out it'll be good won't it!

    1. HAHA! Linda's noise canceling headphones are a good idea ;)
