Tuesday, August 25, 2020


One thing everyone has been commenting on around our area is the increased "people". We have never seen traffic on our main road that passes by our neighborhood like we have been seeing the past couple of months. Used to be you could make the 10 mile trip to town and maybe pass a couple of cars going the other way. Now there are so many cars.There was never the boat trailer overload that the boat launch down the road usually sees. There are several houses on each side and across street from the boat launch. After that one weekend a couple weeks ago (same one where they used our driveway as a turn around) we noticed the folks there put up signs no parking on their properties!

We have maybe once heard a motorized boat on the river in all our time here so far. That same week there was a boat or two going up the river. Our neighbors down at end of the street said those motarized boaters were using the river, just a bit down from them, as their playground in their motorized boats. That's hard to imagine as this river is used a lot by people floating down and small fishing boats floating down. Now to suddenly have motorized boats is new.

Our retired friend from town has a cabin way up in the woods. Usually don't see any people around going up there he says. Now he says he has to literally get them to move their tents off his road (dirt/logging type road) so he can get back to his own cabin, on his own property.

We are all guessing maybe it's COVID related in that people can't get out and do their normal stuff...so they are doing outdoor stuff. I think we are all a bit ready for winter and for everyone to go away, LOL.

Our neighbors at the end are having his mom move nearby. She bought a little piece of property a few miles away and they will be moving a mobile home on it. She's from a town about an hour away, so sounds like moving to be closer to him and his growing family. He's not so sure about having his mom so close, LOL, but like he said, when his kids start school, the school bus will go right past grandma's house and they can get off there sometimes, haha. DH said I didn't even realize there was any property for sale there. He said it was for sale all of about 8 hours! They had been looking and his wife saw the ad go up and they snatched it up.

DH made some more progress in getting rid of some of the stuff in bins in the shop. He FINALLY decided to box up all DS's stuff in boxes and is just going to ship it all to him UPS and be done with it. I'm sure 99% of it DS won't want, but he can be the one to decide and he can be the one to dump it, if he chooses, not us. There are 12 boxes and it's going to cost me about $300 to ship them all, but it will be so worth it, for DH to finally move on a bit from it all. And give DH back some much needed space, little by little.

Remember that cat I mentioned, that DH and the neighbor had seen at night a bunch of times? Well, after I put the food out at night, he didn't show up again, but I kept putting it out. He came back several nights ago and has now been back every night to eat. We've had our game camera out near the food at the back door. Kitty got a surprise visitor the first night! We laughed so hard when we saw this picture.

So, I kinda have a cat now...only I have never seen him in person! LOL. Even one night he was pretty much hanging by the back door (I had already gone to bed) and dh says if you go to the back door and look out you will probably see him there. So, I get up and walk all the way to the other side of the house to look out and nope. He's gone. LOL.


  1. I guess a lot of people are taking alternative vacations these days. Most of them look for less crowded places. I am sure by the end of the Fall, the extra people in your neighborhood will be gone.

    1. yes, hopefully with fall and school starting up again, the people will be gone.

  2. Tommy got a kick out of the cat picture. What is that rooster hanging out there?

    With playing on the river you can add drinking and driving. I hope the road stays safe for you. I cannot imagine how people think that camping anywhere is okay. Property owners often carry a gun when they ask people to move off the property.

    1. it's a "rooster planter" :) and yes, it would be very normal for a property owner around here to carry a gun on them, that's for sure.

  3. We have noticed that aorund the family lake place there is more people tenting in and aorund various cabins. Probablyy extended family that aren't often aorund on weekends when kids have weekend activiites. PArt of our dispaoitnment, and this sounds terrible I know, is tha tthere were supposed to be no less than 6 weekends when my BIL and his family wouldn't be a the cabin due to sprots activities.Now there was just one they weren't there, an a second they didn't come up becasue they were waiting COVID test results. Of course, if it wans't for my leeriness of COVID, having his family around when we are also there wouldn't be a big deal, but they take no precautions at all, so we end up staying behind.

    1. that's a bummer. I don't think I could share a cabin, haha. Or I'd have to divvy it out to this is your weekend, this is mine. LOL.
