Friday, August 7, 2020


One of the lots on our street is for sale. Actually I think it's been for sale for a good 3 years or more. More people have looked at it in the past month than in the past 3-4 years! I have a feeling it won't be long before it's sold. From what we have gathered and from what others have seen, we're seeing a huge interest (or already purchased) in people wanting to move here, from other states. As evidenced by that couple from California who looked at it about a month ago, that DH had a long chat with, they are wanting to get out of the L.A. area. One of of neighbor's part time gigs is he writes for the county newspaper and said he's working on an article about this. He said the realtors are telling him people from CA are coming in and buying up land that is for sale with cash.

4 eggs yesterday. 😁And the last egg was HUGE! it was bigger than my store eggs.

I cracked the big one this morning to make DH's egg sandwich. Bonus - it was a double yolker!

DH got the lights put in underneath the loft, so his work bench will have lots of light. Probably too much, haha. Those lights are bright ones, especially from closer range.

I decided to go get my city errands done after work today. I'll finish up work at 4pm and drive in. The flooring place is open until 5:30 (I should be there by a little after 4:40). Then I need to stop at Lowes and return some garden edging DH decided he doesn't want to use. Then to Target to return those tennis shoes (wish my other ones I ordered were here) I didn't like/didn't fit. I'll probably pick up a few things at Target. DH likes to use the yellow Windex and getting very low. I haven't been able to find any since Covid hit. Not even for shipping. Then I'll swing in and say hi to my mom for a quick visit and then I have my grocery pickup time scheduled for between 6 and 7.

That will make next Wednesdays errands much less. I was already worn out just thinking about trying to do all those errands in one day. I'll be able to not be so rushed and mostly just have to take my mom for the appt. to get the ID card. I'm sure she'll get something temporary at least, so maybe we can use that and stop in my bank and get her checking and savings opened up. Since Wednesday now won't be so busy, I'll have time to also stop at the feed store for some layer feed. I tried to order some with my Walmart pick up order for today but it was out of stock.

I'm also glad for cooler weather today, only up to 75. It actually rained a bit last night.


  1. Good morning....
    How I wish it were only 75 here.. Lots of people are moving out of the cities into the more rural and country area's.. I just hope they don't bring their politics with them.. My area which is the Myrtle Beach SC area has been booming for years and the last year it's even worse.. We already had so much traffic now it's almost unbearable and I try not to go into the 'city' parts as much as possible...Those of us who like our country quiet are going to end up having to move deeper into the country just to get away...LOL..

    1. Unfortunately most of them do seem to bring their politics with them. Which makes no sense! LOL. It will be interesting to see the change in our very rural area over the next few years. The standard question (in a suspicious tone, haha) the natives all say to new people "where ya from?". LOL

  2. That is one huge egg! I had very large ones like that and not double yolkers. Are you washing eggs? Or storing them on the counter unwashed. For nine years I stored unwashed eggs in the bottom of an egg carton on the counter. If you do not wash them, they will last a long time on the counter. If you wash them, they must go in the refrigerator.

    I hope your mother has time for you in her now-busy schedule.

    1. I'm just washing and putting in fridge - mostly because I try not to have a ton of stuff out on my counter than I need, haha. Mom said she played bingo again yesterday. I'm so glad she's keeping somewhat busy.

    2. haha- I just called her after I typed this reply to you "I'll have to call you back - I'm downstairs just starting exercise class" LOL

  3. I love that wood you're using. And the eggs? Freaking fantastic!!

    1. I think the tongue and groove really gave it some character, as well as the big beams (we had those leftover from the build, so are glad to use up) And ya, the eggs are freaking fantastic! never thought I'd be so excited over eggs, LOL.

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