Sunday, March 3, 2013

A new chair

I went to Staples last night to buy DH a new desk chair. I like how Staples puts the current ad on their website, along with the next weeks ad. I was able to compare the chairs on sale and decided there were better chair sales ending yesterday than the new sales starting today.  The chair I most wanted to look at and sit in was on sale for $169, but after sitting in several chairs, DD and I decided on a different chair that was on sale for $99 (reg. $179).

But, they were out of stock on this chair....fortunately the salesgirl was very on top of things and said she could order it online for us at this store sale price (it was $169 online) and shipping would be free. Originally, when we thought they'd have the chair in stock I was going to go ahead and pay the $10 assembly fee, to save DH the hassle of putting it together, since I was already spending $70 less than I had originally planned. Now, DH will have to put it together, but that's ok, too. It's supposed to be delivered on Tuesday, so that is pretty quick.

The salesgirl also asked if I was familiar with their furniture Protection Plan. Usually I never buy any type of warranty or protection plan, but this kind of sounded like a no-brainer, at least the way she explained it. Since the sales price was under $99.99 the protection plan was an extra $15. She said if within 3 years there is any problems, even from normal wear and tear usage, or accidental damage, if they can't repair it (which most likely they can't/won't) they will just replace it with same or similar product. I'm sure within 3 years this chair will definitely get worn down from DH sitting in it 12 hours a day! I just need to remember that I have this plan and USE it, before the 3 years is up.  Nice salesgirl explained it as "basically for $15, you can get a brand new chair within 3 years, if you want".

I so want to remember, down the road, that I purchased this. I'm sure many people forget all about it.  I put a reminder on my work outlook calender for 3 years from now (ok, so I'm assuming I'll still be working at my same job!) to get a replacement chair. 


  1. $5.00/year for extra coverage is pretty good! :) Hope hubby enjoys the chair!

  2. Great deal on the chair! And while I am another of those people who never ever buys the protection plan, I know how quickly work chairs can wear down so the extra coverage sounds like it will definitely be worth the price!

  3. Cash Only Living - I think the current chair DH has probably isn't more than 5 years old and he's basically just wore it out. There's really no cushion left in the seat anymore! I just have to file this warranty and remember!

  4. Yep, that was definitely a no brainer! I'd make sure you go in with your "problem" about 6 months before your 3-years is up. Just to be on the safe side. I mean if they can fix it - it may still have time for other "issues!" ;-) I had a no-brainer on my Honda Accord years ago - I paid $500 for replacement of some of the big issues that can go wrong (transmission, etc.) and if you didn't use it, you'd get it back at the end (I'm thinking 3 years?). So they had my money for 5 years interest free, but I still had the piece-of-mind knowing anything major would be covered. And I DID remember to go back for my money - I'm sure many forget about it, like you said! One other way I like to "stretch" my money when making a larger purchase - if you have a grocery store that offers money off of gas purchase (ours offers .10/gal for every $50 spent - sometimes it's .20/gallon) So I buy gift cards from the grocery store to then turn around and use at wherever I'm planning to spend money (which is usually Home Depot, Lowes, Kohl's). Didn't know if you have anything like that where you are? But it's definitely worth it - we did it when we purchased our refrigerator - bought the gift cards for it and got all that money off for gas!

  5. Susie - that is a great idea on the gift cards! I need to start doing that. The grocery store I have been shopping at does offer that. I should have bought Lowe's gc's when I knew I had to buy the washing machine. I'll remember that from now on!

  6. What a great idea to make a reminder for three years down the road! I have trouble remembering things from month to month. You have inspired me to mark down when any warranties I have will expire since I just purchased a new bed and got the care protection plan on it as well. Thanks for the tip!
