Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Think it

I think I manifested getting myself a raise. A few weeks ago I started trying an experiment. I started envisioning that I had a higher salary. I even put a sticky note taped to the bottom of my monitor with the salary I wanted. This morning I logged into my payroll profile (because I was going to update my direct deposit) and there it was (I had to blink twice) - the new salary I had been envisioning! It's also perfect timing, as last night my side job boss texted me that this month will be the last payment to me for working for them. My salary increase exactly replaces what they've been paying me the past year or so, since they sold their business and have been winding everything down. My increase was 6.3%, which is very decent. But raises, the past 6 or 7 years have been pretty hit and miss with my company, so nothing is a given anymore. We used to have annual reviews and increases and they just sorta dropped that. A few years ago I went 3 years without a raise. The management has just been very wishy washy, but now seems to be trying to be back on track, which is nice.

I think my headache is sinus related, which I get around this time of year for about a week, so I'll take some sinus headache meds instead of tylenol (which does nothing for my sinus headaches). 

DH has been feeling pretty crummy the last 2 days. Feels like his pancreas, again. About a week ago he was feeling pretty good. No clue why it comes and goes. His phone consult with Mayo Clinic isn't until mid April.

Not much else new going on around here, so I guess I'll make this post short and sweet.


  1. Congrats on the raise. That is always a welcome surprise. Manifesting is powerful. I've read a lot about it and have a number of friends that have taught me even more.

    1. I've read a bit on it several years ago and more recently. It's very interesting to me.

  2. That is great your raise is almost what you lost.

    1. it was exactly what I am losing in income, so it's working out perfectly :)

  3. Congratulations on the salary increase. Interesting what Lori says about manifesting. I'll have to give it a try!

    1. Give some reading on it a try. Of course there are lots of books/authors, but a couple I read recently that were interesting was by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

  4. I’m just wondering if your husband should go back in, even to an ER in the city with the highest level of care near you with his complaints of pancreas pain. I’m a nurse and would usually never encourage this use of an ER but even though he’s had all those tests before waiting till April seems long (I agree Mayo would be a good consideration) but maybe a second opinion and second sets of imaging before that. And sad to say sometimes in our healthcare system going to the ER is the only way to get quicker access (which is wrong). The pancreas is nothing to fool around with.

  5. I am so glad you manifested your raise! :) I love that for you.
