Thursday, November 3, 2022

a little preparendess

During that long phone call I had with mom's new caregiver, one of the things she mentioned, in dealing with dementia, is one of the next stages they often start to experience is incontinence. She said so far she just noticed a little bit of mom with it in her bathroom, but that was the week she was sick with her cold. But, also from following the dementia page on Facebook, I can see that incontinence is extremely common as they get into the later stages. To get at least somewhat prepared for it, I decided to buy a waterproof mattress cover for mom's twin bed, and while I was at it, get one for the guest bed I have, that she sleeps on, when here for holidays. Just better to be prepared and keep the mattresses safe from any accidents. Kohl's had a buy one get one half sale and they just arrived today. They seem like nice soft covers. I still have not heard back again, from that lady who has the care home. She did reply to my email and basically told me to call her at the # below, which I did about an hour or so after receiving her email and left a voice mail. I then followed up with another email. Obviously this isn't going to be an easy process, so I will also ask K for any other recommendations for me to get on their waiting list, as I'm sure it would be much better to be on more than one.

I haven't heard anything yet about a year end company meeting I may have to fly back over for, but I looked at last years emails and it wasn't even scheduled (for mid Dec) until Nov 23rd. Honestly, they should just do a Teams meeting. Just seems wasteful to fly in so many people for a 90 minute meeting and an in office lunch. We have 5 or 6 remote employees now, along with another satellite office with 4 or 5 employees.  But, if I do get to fly over, at least I'll be able to do a visit with dd for the weekend. If we have our dang new snow tires by then, maybe I could even talk dh into driving me over there and we both visit with dd a couple days after my meeting. Now that we don't have dogs to deal with, this is doable. The cat would be fine on his own in the house for a few days. We'll see. Gotta see if there is even a meeting first.

I did get my desk and office area mostly cleaned up. I think I'm going to buy a small bookcase for my office. That would help organize some of my stuff a little better. And I could finally get some of my books about of storage bins, since apparently dh isn't ever going to do the built-ins I wanted along the hallway to the bonus room. Next year I'm going to insist we just hire someone to come in and build some for me, but I want to finish getting the Mule/snow plow paid off first. 

Ugh, it's going to be an annoying day with tech issues at work. Right at the end of yesterday's work day I discovered an issue with another program I use to sync data into our accounting software, so I need to figure that out this morning. Only I go to log in my work desktop and can't even open Outlook for email.


  1. I would also ask what to use--pads and what size, waterproof panties, etc? Even if this is a while off, it would help to have that at the ready, too. It's good they notice, tell you, and generally stay one step of what you might notice.

  2. Buy those nice blue pads for your car and a seat in your house. If you think it might embarrass her, cover those with a small pad and make another excuse or use a quilt or something that does not spell--you might pee on the new car of a chair in my house. Riding in a car causes the bladder to fill from the vibrations.

  3. Anne Brew

    Have you got a little filing cabinet? I store tons in there.
    Also box files on a bookcase can keep stuff sorted and easy to identify and reach.
    I was going to suggest adult diapers too. They’re very discreet and effective i understand. For later on maybe, not yet. x

    1. I have 2 2-drawer filing cabinets...stuffed..and drawers in my desk...stuffed, LOL. Mom's caregiver said adult "depends" will most likely be needed at some point :(
