Monday, February 10, 2020

Pantry fun

I got my pantry containers ordered. I went with this set

Though I think I am also going to order a couple cereal containers. I was also looking at spice racks. I have this wall space on each side of the shelves
I was looking to find a spice rack that could fit in this space and screw in to those wood strips. But everything I found seemed to be 17 inches wide and this space is 14 inches. Plus, a lot of them were pretty expensive. Then I came across these cute wire baskets, so I ordered 2 of them to hang on 2 of the wood strips.
I think they are so cute and only $7 each. With my found $50 gift card and $10 left on another gift card, I only had to pay $4 out of pocket. I'd also like to find a couple of small baskets or bins to set on a shelf to hold things like taco season packets and such, and one for the instant breakfast packets I drink for breakfast.

This is it with everything put back in, but without my containers I just ordered. I'm liking it so much already!

I'm looking forward to now being able to shop with stocking up on things in mind. We had the water and soda cases out in the garage, on a metal shelving unit, so now that space out there is freed up for DH to put more of his stuff, which will be helpful.


  1. I think, those baskets are perfect to hold spices. Spice racks are sometimes small for certain containers and it is better to have a flexible space. I use red pepper flakes, oregano, thyme, cumin, mint leaves, curry, cinnamon, sumac and taco seasoning at home. Cumin is my favorite.

    1. I agree. I use cinnamon quite a bit and it's a pretty large container, so it probably wouldn't fit in a normal spice rack. I also use a fairly large jar of "Johnny's seasoning" on meats so it should fit in that basket, too. I'm not a huge spice user, but when a recipe calls for it, I have most of them. My most common are cinnamon, nutmeg, parsley, garlic salt and onion flakes.

  2. That looks great. So useful. Make sure the spices in see-through containers are kept in the dark. Light is a destroyer of spices. I see you keep your mixer in the pantry. Mama had a huge storage space and tiny kitchen, so she could keep large items in the pantry.

    1. The room is dark when the door is closed (there's a light switch that automatically comes on when we open the door and shuts off when we close it - handy!). I don't think I even have a kitchen cupboard that would fit that mixer, other than under my stovetop. Since I don't use it all that much, it's easier to have in the pantry. I also have a bread machine but it's over in the corner near the door, that you can't see in the picture.

  3. Your pantry looks wonderful! I have serious pantry envy! LOL.

    1. Thanks. I'm anxious to get my new storage containers

  4. Looks great! I usually just make do with recycled spice jars from the grocery store. 😊

    1. Thank you! All my spices are in so many different sizes jars so I'm hoping the little baskets above will fit all the various sizes
