Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Just getting through a Tuesday

I was so happy when I started work yesterday morning to find out IT had already fixed my accounting software crash. I had most of Friday's work/emails to catch up on and didn't want to spend an hour being tied up with IT while they fixed it. I had a couple of bigger things I for sure needed to get done yesterday. State B&O tax filing for the month was due. I also needed to get my boss updated year end (yes, we are still trying to close year end 2017) financial reports. Then I kind of realized that no one apparently notified all the manufacturers we rep of our new address.  So, I started finding email contacts for them all and emailing a notification of our new mailing address. I'm up to the "L"s so far.  One guy emailed me back that he wanted to see pics of the new office, so as I was finding a few pics on our shared computer drive to send him I came across a pic that the office even has a pool table! They just thought of everything for the employees, it seems.

Our rockery should be finished up today or maybe by mid day tomorrow. Then we need to get the builder out to stake out for the foundation and then see when the excavator guy can start. I'm sure he can start any time, but mostly depends on how soft and wet the ground still is.

I made some good old Kraft mac and cheese for lunch yesterday and having the leftovers for lunch today. Warm in the tummy :)

I'm not sure why (am I stupid?) but I went Sunday and Monday morning without my morning (and only) cup of coffee for the day. Both days I was literally feeling like I was ready to fall asleep by 10:30/11am. I had my coffee this morning and it's noon and I'm still going strong.

Time for a lunch break from work and see if I can do up a few HITS on M-Turk                


  1. I am impressed you can make it through the day with just one cuppa. I usually have 4 before doing anything.
    Look forward to hearing about the build. I don't think I have another one in me.

    1. I'm a bit allergic to caffeine so that is my limit. I'm f I have too much my heart rate goes into total overdrive

  2. Eager to see more pictures!

    1. Not a lot of new pictures...just of rocks. LOL

  3. I LOVE Kraft Mac and cheese! It makes a great lunch all by itself, doesn't it?
