Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Christmas days

I'm finally alone enough and rested enough to blog today! It was wonderful having DD here but even more made me (and DH) realize how much we just enjoy ourselves and quiet little life. DD and her BF are pretty mellow people, too, but that little puppy?! Oh my goodness! The first day and a half it would not stop. Our black dog is an alpha and while he was ok to play with him, he was good about putting puppy in his place, when needed. It completely wore me out just watching that puppy. We did get a break from him the second day, when we put him in the crate and left the house. LOL.

We drove over to the next town and went and had lunch at the little burger place. We had never been inside before, just thru the drive thru. Cute little place, decorated like 1950's with 50's music playing. Then we went over to the big antique store and looked all around. I ended up buying myself an old wooden duck decoy, like I have been wanting and in the price range I was willing to pay (certainly not $200 like many I have seen!). We also drove out to our property so they could see the site work and rockery we had done, since the last time they were here.

Came home and relaxed for a couple of hours and then we took them out to dinner at the nicer restaurant about 35 miles out. Good food, again. I had the grilled salmon, again. Came home and watched a movie I had recorded on dvd for DD, that she wanted to see.

Christmas eve it pretty much snowed all day. DD and I made a peppermint bark cheesecake (quite the recipe!) The puppy settled down some and took breaks from being "on" all day. DH shoveled the driveway and walkway a couple of times. Dinner was homemade pizza and salad.  In the evening we opened all our gifts. We all take turns, so it takes a bit of time. I was wondering how DH managed to get me 6 gifts, but no charges on the debit card or cash from his wallet used. Turns out he was a little creative and wrapped a rock in each box, along with a sticky note with a bow on it. Each sticky note had a "gift" for various things. A trip to Bed Bath and Beyond, a trip to Kohl's for 2 items, a trip to an antique store, a trip to downtown (in the city) stores (ie small gift shop types of stores), a nice dinner out that isn't for my birthday or anniversary, etc. It was a cute idea.  DD got us the Despicable Me3 movie (DH loves minions) so we watched that. At one point everyone, even the dogs, was asleep watching it, other than me.

Christmas morning we opened out stockings and had blueberry muffins for breakfast.  Got the turkey in the oven. Just before it was done I realized I didn't buy any gravy! I tried making gravy like my mom and grandma years ago and it was lumpy and so I never tried again. Well, this time I'd have to try! Found a recipe online and it turned out awesome! A different recipe than I recall my mom and grandma using (flour, milk and drippings). This one was butter, flour and drippings. It turned out perfect and will be my gravy from now on :)

DD and BF did not come prepared, as I had told them to, for the weather. They drove over 3 passes and didn't even have gloves! WTH?! what if it was bad and they got stuck or had to chain up. She didn't bring boots - only a pair of like keds tennis shoes. Just dumb. We couldn't even go take a walk. She got off work (she worked from home) last Friday and only had to work until 9:30 that morning. She made it sound like they'd get on the road at 10am (7 hour trip). No, BF wasn't ready at all, he had sat around that morning and watched a movie. When he finally got ready, then they had to go to the bank, get gas, stop and buy snacks. It was noon before they even left town. Plus it took them 8 hours to get here, so they didn't arrive until like 8:15 our time.

They left yesterday morning and I took a long nap!

BF told us (when she wasn't in the room) that he plans to propose to her on March 7th! I asked if that was a special day and he said it was the date 3 years ago that he first told her he loved her. Hopefully she will want to wait until 2019 to have a wedding! I don't think I can handle building a house and a wedding the same year! EEEK!!


  1. Sounds like you had a nice holiday.
    Maybe the house can wait if there's a wedding on base.....or they'll elope. lolz

    1. hopefully she sticks to what she has been telling me the past couple of years....that she doesn't want a big fancy wedding.

  2. We pick our son up from the airport, bringing coat , hat, and gloves. It gets worn once per year if he visits at Christmas and is the same coat he got 10 years ago. Puppies are tiring, but it sure sound like a nice few days.

    1. I had hat and gloves she could have worn, but her feet are bigger than mine LOL. BF brought boots with him, at least.

  3. I would worry about a man who did not even get ready on time because of movie watching, left town with your daughter without seeing she would be safe in snow, and, consequently, sort of messed up her chance to walk with you. Sorry, but I have good reason to see these as events that portend a future life. Ask me how I know?

    It does sound like you had a busy and pleasant time. Gravy is one of the first things I ever learned to cook about 60 years ago. Lumps are fine. Lumps can be mashed and made smooth. Or, just strain the gravy and save the lumps for me. It certainly is cold at your house, per the comment on my blog.

    1. oh, it's definitely how he is and how he will be. She knows that. Drives her nuts too, but that's the part she's willing to put up with, I guess. She's the go-getter/he's not. She said she didn't have any winter boots, but she could have at least brought her "regular" boots. Better than keds tennis shoes.

  4. My goodness, sounds like it was busy! but nice :).. Yes, puppies are ALWAYS on, they do not have an off switch...LOL.. Looks like we had the same problem. I forgot the gravy as well!.. Merry Christmas :)

    1. I don't remember our dogs being that hyper as puppies, but I'm sure they were LOL.

  5. So it was a nice and busy Christmas. Seems like exciting times are ahead of you. An early congrats to your daughter!
