Monday, October 20, 2014

$520..........for crap!

Our septic tank was pumped today and that was the bill. According to DH it's been more like 11 or 12 years since we had it done and the guy said we called to have it done just at the right time - it was just ready to need to be pumped.  And I'm sure the price I sorta recall paying 12 years ago isn't the same as now.  It was $380 for the pumping, plus tax and a $22 county fee (whatever they heck that is for). Plus DH added $75 to the bill by having them install a riser on the lid so next time he wouldn't have to dig 1 foot and a half down. He'll only have to dig like 6-8 inches. He could barely manage digging that big hole, physically, as it was, I'm sure in another 10 years or so, he'll be even less able.

First thing this morning I called the company we used before but they guy said they were working on a broken pump and couldn't come out for at least a week. I said thanks, but no thanks. I'll try someone else. So, I called another company and she said they could come out this afternoon and they were done and gone by the time I got home from work and now DH is busy filling the hole (smaller hole though, with the riser!) and trying to replace the pieces of sod so the grass will grow back where he dug it up.


  1. You have to look at the cost this way ... Under $50 a year for sewer. Most people pay a sewer fee monthly. Your cost is not too bad considering what is being hauled away .. a job most people would not want to do. That reminds me .. we need to have ours pumped soon.

    1. that's what I was thinking too - $50 a year is very reasonable.

  2. We pay around 325-350 but for some reason we have to get it pumped around every 3 years:(

  3. At least he is thinking ahead and I think that is so smart!

  4. Wow, 11-12 years since you last had it pumped?? We do ours every year, or every other at the least. I think we actually HAVE to do it per the county every 3rd year. But ... I say better safe than sorry!

    1. Our neighbor has never had his pumped! he's lived there 20 years and another guy owned the place for 5 years before that. The septic guy said with our neighbor being a single guy he'll probably never need it done, as the system bacteria has time to take care of it, with out pumping. He also told us, that with just the two of us now, we could probably easily go another 10-12 years.

    2. Wow every year is excessive. Ours has only been pumped once in 15 years. If you have sufficient water flow to it, you don't need to do it every year.

  5. Well, a family has to do this task every decade or so, making it inevitable. Anyway, how did you guys know it was time to pump the septic tank? If something was acting up, you should not have deferred on doing this. At least you guys can start over with a clean slate!

    Levi Eslinger @ Capital Plumbing & Heating
