Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our new additions

I think I might have mentioned awhile back we were looking into getting a couple of "barn cats". Well, we have them!  Meet Thelma and Louise..........

Louise is the top kitty - she is about 6 months old and Thelma is about 4 months old. We have had them about a week and a half now. We adopted them from a program that places outdoor feral cats so they can have a home and catch critters, rather than be put down at the humane society.  They come spayed and all the shots and one of them even has a microchip. They were even delivered to us and no fee for them. The lady that brought them out said since 2011 she has placed over 450 cats/ While we don't have a barn, we do have an open wood shed and over an acre and we've set up a nice (according to the lady that delivered them) little home area for them. We took our younger dogs big wire crate and put it up high in the shed - put in the hidey hole house above, and another little ledge they cat sit on and look outside.Just feed and water them every day. We have to keep them caged up for 3 weeks, so they can get used to their surroundings and know where their food source is. They can see between the slats of the woodshed and see all the back yard/property. After that we can let them out and most likely probably not even see them much around. They will have an area up high in the wood shed to sleep and get out of the weather, when they want to.

But, I have a feeling Miss Thelma will be around - she is a little lover! Loves to be petted and will come right to us when we open the cage. She'd probably make a great house pet, actually. Miss Louise is a cranky thing that just hisses at us!


  1. When we move to our property, I want to get barn cats. I did not know there were places to get them! Now I will look for one in our area. That is wonderful that they are spayed/neutered already. We will have 5 acres, so plenty of space to wonder and get food.

  2. I would get the other one chipped and make sure you put collars and tags on them. There are stupid people out there that might hurt your cat if they think it doesn't actually have a family. Your Thelma looks like my MJ and she is also from a farm. Give Louise time she may come to you after some time.

    1. I'm not so sure it's a good idea to collar an outdoor cat - they might get it hooked on a branch or something while climbing around. I'll ask the barncat adoption lady about that. Our 12 yr old cat (indoor/outdoor) has never had a collar for that reason. Good question to ask.

  3. I agree get the one microchipped as for your hissy one be kind and gentle she sounds like my oldest who can be feral at times and hissy she may just be very very frightened to the to the state she is petrified of any and all including her new surroundings , it's great that you have given them a new home but remember that like all animals They need our love and affection and whilst Thelma may be more appealing because she is affectionate this doesn't mean that Louise isn't , all she needs is much more affection and lots of perseverance for her to feel comfortable .. I know money is tight but maybe you can find a sponsor for her microchip ping or a organisation that will microchip. Besides making sure that there basic needs are met don't forget that they are social and although they appear to be aloof they need lots of affection and interaction.. Take care of them and they will be your companions and some rememberthey are small and will always be wary of things much bigger so gently gently approach is the best

    1. We'll try to interact as much as we can with them, but from what the lady explained, they are really cats that don't want the socialization with humans, that's why they got put in their barn cat program. That's why they always place the kitties in at least pairs, sometimes more, if big enough area. that way they have each other for company and companionship/playing and don't need people contact...other than we have to feed and water them. The info we received before we adopted said most times we'll probably never even see them around, most of the time.

  4. They're so cute! We just got three outdoor kitties. We lock them in our shed at night because we've seen a fox around but let them run around during the day.
