Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yard improvements

It was kind of a spendy week last week. Guess that's what can happen when you suddenly get a couple extra thousand dollars deposited into your bank account! We haven't spent all of the bonus money though and for the most part what we have spent has all gone to home improvement items.  Here's the breakdown so far:

Trip to check out university - $96 (Starbucks on the way up there, lunch, parking, dinner and gas)

Miticide to try and save the stupid trees - $98 - DUMB!!! I should have just given up then!)

Big trees for the back yard to eventually give some shade from the neighbor's metal shop roof  - $272
We actually got 2 of the Elm trees and ended up putting the 2 cypress trees near the back of the house where our deck used to be. Those will eventually help shade the back of the house (that gets the sun all day). We also bought a holly shrub we put out in front yard, because the hydrangea I had planted there died - either too much sun area or the dog was peeing on it........

21 Thuja trees - $114. If these one don't make it, I'm going to cry! But, at least they are much bigger and so hopefully will stay healthier. Though DH totally overdid it planting these. He still can't seem to grasp the concept that he needs to limit himself and do projects in stages over several days. His body has been worthless all week now because I couldn't convince him to just plant a third of them and then wait 2 or 3 days to do some more.

We also bought a little fire pit for $60, but that kind of came of of the regular home improvement budget. DD has been wanting one of these for months. DH fixed up the little area we put it at. The bench we have had forever and needs the slats replaced, but will look cute there.
There are a few more things I want - a yellow rose bush and an arbor. I have a perfect spot to put an arbor, but they are so expensive (even on Craigslist) that I probably won't get one unless I come across a really good deal. I'm also trying to talk DH in trying to make a little garden bridge. There is a little pathway he made behind the firepit area that would look so cute with a little rock "river" going underneath it.

It gets addicting to keep adding to the yard! I could spend an hour walking around a nursery/garden center just looking at everything.  I'm also going to buy a down alternative comforter for DS's bed and find a cheap duvet cover. The twin comforter (I have one on my bed and so does DD and we love them) is on sale at Kohl's for $33 (reg $80). My mom gave me $10 Kohl's cash and I also have a 30% off coupon, so my final price would be $16. He really needs a new comforter on his bed and something I can wash easily, since the cat likes to sleep on his bed. The duvet covers we now have on my bed and DD's bed have been great to just pull off and wash regularly.

There's a nursery near our house that I drive by on my way to work. I can see yellow rose bushes they have for sale from the road as I drive by - they look huge, especially if I can see them all the way from the road. I think I might stop in there today and take a peek........


  1. Lots of changes!! Looks great! I haven't done much in our yard this year but I really hope to do more than just gardening next summer...

  2. WOW! Looks beautiful! Yeah, MEN! They never listen to you. They have to live & learn!

    re: Kohl's 30% off coupon - would you share the "code" for the 30% off - you can use that on-line to get the discount, too. (it's not just applicable to your coupon - do you wouldn't think it would make your's invalid if someone used it). I need to use a Kohl's cash that I have but I always hate to use it unless I can get the 30% discount!

  3. It looks so nice! I'm jealous of your yard ... it looks like you have lots of outdoor space to enjoy!

    1. Thank you! It is a big yard. We have in total 1 1/4 acres, so lots to work with :-)

  4. OK - found it - SWIM30 - of if anyone shops at Kohl's on-line, you can use this code and get 30% off - and free shipping over $75!! Even if you have to return something to the store! ;-)

    1. Yes, SWIM30 is what I have, but not good until you have to use Kohl's charge card, it says.

    2. Thanks - YES - doesn't start till 7/12 and Kohl's charge must be used (unfortunately this is NEVER a problem for me! ha!). Even if I just buy the coffee pods for my Keurig! Still a good deal using my Kohl's Cash.

  5. How green everything looks! Your garden looks spacious and your plantings look great. What part of the US (?) do you live in? Looks like Washington, Oregon, Northern Cali?

    1. Yep - up here in NW - lots of green from lots of rain :)
