Wednesday, May 20, 2020

the calm before the storm

It doesn't sound like my company will be furloughing anyone one day a week, now. My boss was given incorrect information (by both our payroll company and also an HR consultant she still uses) on our eligibility. She had been told that by furloughing the employees one day a week, each employee would get 1/5th of what their weekly unemployment benefit is, plus the $600 federal. That's not how it works. Our earnings for the 4 days a week are taken into account and deducted from the benefit amount. Everyone earns more in the 4 days than the total weekly benefit amount.  Not to mention, as several of you pointed out - in my case, I'd have to claim my self employed income from my side job, making me even more ineligible. I just feel bad for my boss (and upper management) who spent a lot of time trying to decide on this, figure this out and get correct info, etc, only to realize it wasn't correct. I guess how this all came about is one of our employees, who has children and is single mom, asked/volunteered to go down to 26 hours a week (because she has no child care now), as she thought she would get state unemployment and the $600. Our managers got to thinking that would be a plan to do for everyone (though just for one day), and save the company some money. After yesterdays news, my boss realized even that employee won't be eligible for anything, even at 26 hours a week. I guess they go back to the drawing board. They can't be in that bad of shape - we did get 1.2 million in the SBA "loan", that doesn't have to be repaid. They did layoff 5 or 6 people going into this, which is a big savings on payroll, plus we have no debt going into this and do have a large line of credit available, in an emergency.

I have today off, just to kind of relax and get a few things done around the house. Take a nap. Get to bed early. Try to work on MTurks. I figured I'll need a good rest day to gear up for the next few days. I'm getting on the road tomorrow morning at 6am. With the 7 hour drive and gaining an hour in the time zone, I should be at my mom's at noonish. If she hasn't gotten much packed, well then that's what I'll be doing the rest of the day!

DH can't finish up some things he's still working on because all the damn contractors are a joke. The guy doing the couple hours gutter job on the shed was supposed to come 2 weeks ago. Then this week. Get this - he can't install rain gutters in the rain, LOL. Now he supposedly coming next week. The paving crew is now 2 weeks late, and while we've had some rain, nothing major (until today, LOL). The sprinkler system guy is still a no show, even with DH texting or leaving him a message about once a week. I told DH last night (and I've had to say this to him before) rather than just say hey, I still need you out here to finish the job. say hey, I need to know what date you are coming!

One of the neighbor dogs came over and put his nose up to the chicken coop wire and got pecked, haha. He took off back home.

I am tired of this crappy weather we've had for a week or more. We don't usually get this much cloudy rainy days. Most of the rain is overnight and the days have mostly been dry/cloudy but today is pouring and tomorrow is supposed to be same. That'll make for a crappy drive. I really do not want to have to load and unload my mom's things in the rain. Praying the weather forecast is right on both ends and Friday and Saturday are dry, at least.


  1. Yesterday was too perfect-so I think the weekend might be shot! poor dog getting his little nose pecked. He was just curious-maybe.

    1. he was just being curious to something new, but I guess those girls told him, LOL.

  2. Safe travels and a smooth transition for you and your mother.
    If I see my neighbor's dogs near my coop, they're getting more than a peck. I love the neighbors, but their dogs are a menace.

    1. I think because dh was outside, working on the shed the dog came over to say hello and was like "oh, what's this new thing?" LOL. But, I will be glad when our fence is finally up...oh ya...that's the other contractor who hasn't shown up. He said next week now, too.

  3. That employee with childcare issues would be eligible for partial expanded paid FMLA but only til school would normally be out. It’s like 2/3 of the normal salary, reimbursed by the federal government. Dh has several employees doing that. But it doesn’t seem worth it now since school will be out soon anyway.

    1. I will mention that to my boss, but like you said, school is just about out

  4. I hope everything goes well for you moving your mom. I hope your co-worker can find a balance between work and childcare, I know it has been tough for working families.

    As for the dog, I chuckled! I am sure his nose is a-ok!

    1. thank you. I don't think the chicken actually got to his nose, LOL. The wire is pretty small, but I think the peck at the wire startled the dog :)

  5. I hope the weather cooperates and you and your mom have a smooth transition with the move and her relocation.

    1. Thank you. I hope so and am hoping for settling in quick.

  6. all the best with the move, I hope the weather works in your favour

  7. I hope you have a safe drive, especially if it is raining, and the move goes well. Take care.

  8. It's a shame about the furlough business (would have been nice right) but it seems so complicated and it really did sound too good to be true didn't it.
