Saturday, May 9, 2020


The mason guy got about halfway done, or so, yesterday. He's like one of the nicest guys in the world, so it's hard to be mad at him for taking so long to get here. DH enjoys talking with him and they have kept in touch as friends via text since he did all our other stone work.

The HVAC guy also stopped by yesterday. I guess DH texted him that our outside heat pump unit was making a lot of noise that didn't sound normal. He quickly found the issue - a baffle underneath the cover that was just close enough when it came on to rub against the outside cover. Fixed in a few minutes.

A no show on the paving crew. The lady had called Thursday and said they'd be dropping the equipment off either that afternoon or yesterday. Then she called back and said they were still finishing up another job in the next town over and would be dropping it all off Friday afternoon. Nothing and no call.

DH keeps working away on the chicken coop and shed. So many little details to it all, plus it's a bit fancy, LOL. But we wanted to use up what we could. He sided the inside wall with the leftover shakes. He did the ceiling and also the walls inside the nesting area all in tongue and groove. Which of course every piece had to be stained first. The doors are leftover tongue and groove, too. The ramp is leftover lumber from our trees cut down (as well as those beams). The window was a leftover (or wrongly ordered window) used up. I'm sure to all you chicken experts out there, this is probably totally not the way to do it all, but oh well. DH did what he wanted to do, LOL. It's cute. I like it. He's got the perch inside put up, but I think he still needs to do a couple of nesting boxes.

Today  he is working on a door to put there between that beam and tan colored trim on corner of coop. It will have wire in it and then the rest of it will all be wired in.

Our older dog seems to still be doing well, after his little surgery yesterday. I am also giving him 2 pain pills a day and one antibiotic. Our other dog is being strange. Yesterday morning he didn't want to eat his breakfast and only ate half. He ate snacks and his dinner fine. Then this morning he didn't want to eat either, but I finally cajoled him into it. I don't know if he's decided he doesn't like the softened version now or what his problem is. I may have to try the other method the vet said also works to slow his eating down - put a couple of big rocks in his bowl so it takes him longer to get at his food.

I cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders this morning. Another one hit our window last night, but he just got stunned and was up and on his way after about 30 seconds.

I remembered to cancel my month's subscription to Ancestry this morning. I haven't done much more in the past 10 days and had only wanted to do it for a month anyway - just to see what I could find and I was pleased that I was able to get quite a bit of info I couldn't find a few years ago.

I'm working on a grocery pick up order for Tuesday, after I go to my dr appt. Still out of things I want....rice, mayo, TP, Wheaties, soups like "beef stew" type. A friend went grocery shopping in his town the other day and the meat section was basically empty, he said.

Well, back to Saturday morning house cleaning.


  1. My poor chickens had no ramp and had to jump table height to get to Rubbermaid box to lay, then jump straight up to next box to sleep!

    Where does the door go to?

    1. the door is so I can get in there to get the eggs and clean it out when needed.

  2. Love the coop. WIsh I could figure out a way to send you a picture of ours. I will as DD the name of the company from which she ordered the kit. Not a company per se, it's a smaller outfit in NC, I believe. The owner even Skyped with her when she got into a jam with one of the sections. It's nothing like yours, that's for sure, but it's a snug, pretty, and well built (Yaaaay, DD) coop. Fence is next, but that has to wait. We are exhausted here. Yesterday, set up the metal trough she kept the chicks in on one of our patios outside the kitchen for an herb garden.

    1. Those are cute coops! Blooger needs to add photos options to comments, LOL

  3. That chicken coop is wonderful. Your hubs is a clever guy!
