Tuesday, May 26, 2020

oh lordy

I'm hoping that the quarantine for my mom will only have to go through 6/1, as that is the date the state is lifting that order. That would shorten her lockdown time by 4 days. But, we're on day 4 so it's moving along.

When I called her yesterday morning about 10am she had a knock on her door and it was their maint. guy with the cable tv remote to get her channels working, so that was good. She called me back after he left and then I asked about her morning medications and she started to kind of say she took them, then said yes, I have to take them, so I said ok..remember you need to take them out of your pill box. For Monday. Then she couldn't find her pillbox (that she had decided the day before to leave on her night stand). It was in the bathroom and no, she hadn't taken them. We chatted a bit more but before I hung up I told her I need her to take them right now, while I'm on the phone with her.  I'm seriously thinking about (for now) just taking her pill bottles home with me and only leaving her the pill box filled.

Apparently the "guest" wi-fi didn't stay connected, as she couldn't get on the internet yesterday and it would have been too hard for me to try to explain to her how to sign into the guest wi-fi again, so I told her she's just going to have to wait until I can get her own internet service hooked up. Well, I guess she forgot that, as several hours later, yesterday afternoon, I guess she called down to the front desk to tell them she couldn't get on the internet. They sent up a young gal to see, who was totally confused, because she didn't realize my mom doesn't even have service yet. I was confused at first because I didn't realize my mom called them about it. Finally, I had to explain to my mom again that WE have to get that service on our own, through the phone company, and I can't call and do that until Tuesday morning.

I called first thing this morning and they will send the modem/cable box out via FedEx and then her apt. maint is supposed to install it for her. The lady said it's a bigger box, so she'll get lots more  tv channels then she is getting now with the tiny box that was already in the room, as well as internet. She gets their apt. group rate, so it's only $22 a month for the internet. Hopefully it will be here in a few days. They also offer mobile service to bundle with her internet that is only $14/mo (she's paying $33 now) so that might be something I look into down the road. At some point her years old flip phone is going to give out.

Then last night my uncle texts me that my mom told him the apartment is too small and she wants a bigger apartment, so she is going to talk to me about it. OMFG (yes! I did swear to myself!). The apartment size is fine. It's a little bit smaller than what she had, but actually feels bigger because her bedroom is way bigger and her kitchen area is big and open so she is able to have her small table and 2 chairs in the kitchen, rather than in her living room, like she had to do in her other place. The problem with the place is just not enough storage/cupboards in kitchen and bathroom. But, I kept reminding her we can add some storage by getting her an over the toilet shelving unit and can also put a tall vertical shelving unit inside her long kitchen closet.

We'll see if she says anything to me about it. She's stuck there at least a couple months as she has a 3 month lease. Not to mention I am DONE moving for awhile! 4 moves in the last 4 years is way past my limit.  I looked up the sq ft of her apartment before and now. It is a bit smaller, but when I sent her the information on the 4 senior living places here, with rates for 1 bedroom units and links so she could check them out. She said she was most interested in this place (I'm sure because it was quite a bit cheaper) so I said I'll check it out first and see. After I got the tour I told her it's a nice place, BUT the apartment is a bit smaller than what you have now. She assured me that was ok, because she got rid of one of her recliners and a dresser. Plus, the apartment she got is a bit bigger than I looked at because we opted for the one with no balcony, so that made the bedroom bigger.

AND it's the same size as her BF's apartment he had - and she basically lived here with him for like 6 weeks, before he had to move to nursing care home, because she was caring for him. And it was 2 of them living in it! His bedroom (with like queen or double bed) was a little box. She had no problem with that size. Her current bedroom, even if she had a double/queen bed in it, (she has twin), still has lots of room and spacious. I had tried to get her to get a bigger bed at her other place, but she didn't want to because the bedroom wasn't very big. I have a feeling it's not the size, but the lack of cabinets and counter space that she's not liking. The only crappy part is the big wall in the kitchen, across from her sink, fridge and cupboards, where she has her table and still room for say a little cart she could put her coffee maker and toaster on....there is no plug in outlet! So stupid. Really limits what you can use that area for.

The other little issue, while she is quarantined, is that they are bringing everyone's meals to their apt's right now, 3x a day with those carryout containers that she has to throw away. Her little kitchen garbage can fills right up by the end of the day, but she can't leave to take her garbage down to the main garbage area, so I have emailed about that.

She's paying $2800/mo for this place. The other places were $3500-$4000, so pretty big difference. And I just looked again and still not very much bigger apartment size than she just got into. UGH!


  1. I wonder if he led her into this conversation and conclusion. Or, if she said something and he came to the conclusion she needs a bigger apartment.

    1. that's exactly what my dd said. Maybe uncle over reacting a bit to something she said.

  2. I'd wait until she says something about the place not being big enough to you. Give her time to adjust to being in a new place. If the apartment was bigger, she might have it was too big!

    1. I was going to see if she mentions it and then tell her she just needs to give it some time, since it's something different to get used to.

  3. You might try mentioning how spacious her bedroom and kitchen are. And say stuff like isn’t it so nice to have the kitchen table in the kitchen. The power of suggestion lol. Just keep mentioning it in conversation, and she might start to think it’s all good. And like you said, try to add some storage. It could be she’s just overwhelmed because there are a few things she sees that need to be put away yet and she doesn’t know where to put them. My dd bought a very small house because it’s what she could afford. She was ready to sell it almost immediately because she didn’t have room for stuff. But she bought some storage items, added some shelves, and now never mentions the house is too small.

    1. I was thinking same thing - she's very suggestible,LOL.

    2. It could be your uncle said something innocent like is your new apartment big enough for all your stuff and she thought hmmm, it’s not, and then she just went with that idea lol. Get her one of those over the toilet shelving units so her towels are in the bathroom. If she has to go into her bedroom for towels she’s going to be reminded all the time that her bathroom doesn’t work for towels so it must be too small. My mother is 87. I know how she just fixates on silly little things til they become a major issue in her mind lol.

    3. I'm guessing that's exactly what he did and he tends to over react to how she is. Like if she's having a bad day with too much going on and it happens to be the day he calls, then he calls or texts me to let me know. I had already warned him last week to expect her to be very confused and forgetful the next couple of weeks, until she settles in. Just too much for her to take all in right now.

  4. Oh boy. If they deliver the meals they should have a system to retrieve the cartons/trays etc.,especially with her being quarantined. Also she is probably going a little stir crazy having to be confined. I agree that your uncle may have made the situation worse with his phone call. Hopefully it will all even out.

    1. I emailed earlier today with the gal who I signed the lease with in their office and asked about the garbage. She said if she sets her can out between 6 and 6:15pm they will empty it and replace her garbage sack. I just doubt she will remember what time I told her :/

    2. That is a tight timeline! I doubt I could do that 40 years ago!

  5. She probably right now is confused a lot and doesn't remember most of what you said or even asked her. Don't let it get to you, hard I know. I'm sure once she gets settled she'll love it and knowing how much closer you are she'll be happy.

    1. I think I got her figured out, after talking to her today, LOL. I will update in next post.
