Friday, May 29, 2020

Contractors are a joke

The sprinkler system guy finally showed up yesterday afternoon - sorta. He was on his way somewhere else and we were on his way, but he had less than an hour to work on it and make sure it's all running properly. He got most of it done, but still needs to come back to finish! He's always telling dh (he's on old school friend from years ago) that he doesn't work his business on weekends, yet yesterday he was on his way to pick up a horse, for personal stuff, so we got shortchanged,during business hours, in getting this done - again. Then last night DH realized one of the sprinkler heads way out in front of our property had apparently gotten broken off when they put the sod down (same company) and it was leaking and leaking onto the driveway that was prepped for asphalt, making that area all soft. But because he was in such a hurry and didn't finish, he didn't see it was leaking. Always something!

I think the note on my mom's computer worked. Hopefully the internet equipment shows up today. But, now her new concern is some red spots on her arm. She's apparently had this for several years, off and on, and was prescribed some ointment. But when she mentioned it to me a month or two ago (that it was getting red again) she couldn't find the ointment, so I had some Cortaid delivered to her. When I got to her place last Thurs I looked at it. It's not really that bad. It doesn't hurt, nor does it itch. I reminded her to put the Cortaid on it. Oh? Do I have that? Sunday, in going thru all her bathroom stuff and throwing out all the expired stuff I found the tube of prescription stuff and told her to put a bit of that on. When I visited her Wed afternoon she showed me her arm, that she thought it was still all red. Honestly, it looked fine! Lots of brown (probably age spots) spots on her arms and only like 1 or 2 small red spots. She calls me up last night and says it's all red again and she only has "lotion" to put on it. I'm thinking she means just regular body/skin lotion, so I remind her about the cortaid or the tube of prescription stuff. Oh? Do I have that? (sigh). Then I say well, when your quarantine is over and your new insurance is in place we'll get to a doctor to have it checked out. She says well, they should let me go now to see a dr. I said well, unless it's an emergency, you have to do the 14 day quarantine. A doctors office is going to ask if you've been out of state in the past 14 days (they asked me that at my annual check up a couple weeks ago), so since it's not hurting or itching, just keep putting a bit of cortaid on it. I'll have to look up her medical records again and see if I can see what the dr. said it was in the notes. She was in for it a couple years ago, if I recall reading before.

Supposedly our driveway is getting paved today, but it's after 8:30am and no one has shown up yet. Just blows DH's mind how NO one around here starts work until 9am at the earliest. And then they quit early afternoon! When DH worked and was in construction he was always out of the house by 5:30 or 6am because the start time on jobs was 7am, at the latest. When they are said and done, it will have literally been less than 2 days of work, yet they've been invading our lives and our neighbors property since last Thursday! They brought a bunch of equipment in last Thursday morning. Parked the paving equipment on lot 1, which is owned by our neighbors who live on lot 2. Didn't ask anyone if it was ok. I'm guessing they took a long weekend and also took Friday off. Showed up here Tuesday and worked 3 hours. Showed up Wednesday and worked half a day. All the while leaving all their equipment here - trucks, grader, roller, etc. Thursday they came and picked some of that up. And like DH said, once they are done paving, they'll just let that equipment sit on neighbors lot until they need it for their next job, next week, so I'm sure it will sit there all weekend. Take your equipment and park it at the next job, instead of us looking at it another 3 days.

No fence guy, who was supposed to come Tuesday and no word from him. Once we are done with him and the sprinkler system guy we are D.O.N.E with all these piece of crap contractors. Any remaining projects are just small stuff DH will do himself. Our neighbors (who are on vacation this week) had started re-doing the strip of grass between our houses on their property. Killed all the natural grass and had some topsoil brought in and reseeded. Only the guy still needs to bring more topsoil for the rest of it, as only about half got done. Neighbor texted DH yesterday and asked if by chance any topsoil has gotten delivered like it was supposed to? Nope. This is the same contractor who did our site work.

Now it's almost 9 am by the time I finished writing this - still no paving crew.


  1. Hearing about the contractors is frustrating me! Parking and leaving equipment on someone's property is just not right. It is too bad he is a friend.

    1. the paving guy isn't a friend, just the sprinkler system/sod guy is. And apparently they aren't showing up to pave today :(

  2. Dealing with contractors of any kind is maddening. It’s the same way here. And You can bet these same people sit in the bars on Friday night and complain about not having any work. We very rarely hire anything done, but if we have to we have found a few that show up when they say they will. Most seem to jump from job to job, start one, then leave it unfinished to start another one. I swear they do this on purpose so they have a bunch of customers being held hostage-you can’t go to someone else because the job has been started.

    1. that is exactly what DH just said to me a few minutes ago, almost word for word.

  3. My youngest needed New gutters on his House. He didn’t want to mess with doing it himself so he called 4 companies for bids. Two showed up and gave him a bid. He chose one and called to schedule it. He left multiple messages and never got a call back for a couple weeks. They finally called and he was told he’d add him to the list and it would be a couple weeks. Ds called back after 3 weeks, no call back. The other company called him on a Thursday to follow up with him. Ds said I decided to go with my other bid. The guy said I really need the work, I will beat his bid by $1 if I can do the job and be paid tomorrow. Ds said deal, and the guy showed up and did the job in the rain. Little did this guy know that ds needs some gutter work done on a large retail building. Since he showed up as promised Ds said he’d give this guy the business.

    1. We waited for our gutter guy for weeks. And apparently there are no other gutter installation companies in our area. I looked! Seems like it might be a good business to get started in our area. At least the other guy came thru for your DS. The crappy part is the first gutter guy probably didn't care, he has plenty of work, obviously.

    2. The one that did the work told ds the other company does this to people all the time. He prefers doing new construction and commercial work so he prioritizes those jobs, and strings along the residential replacement business. Ds wanted to do business with the other one, not just because it was cheaper, but he knew the owners son from school, and the kid works for his dad. Ds just wanted new gutters more though. He called and left a message saying take me off the list. Xyz is matching your price and doing it tomorrow.

  4. I read the things you are dealing with, with your mom. I am so sorry but does it ever have a familiar ring to it. I share my sincere best wishes for both of you are she makes this transition in her life and you make the one in yours.

    1. thank you! It's going to be a bit exhausting, I'm sure, but much better than the alternative....Step brother in charge of her care....

  5. Cleared my MIL’s medicine cabinet when she moved into the nursing home and came away with 26 packets of Paracetamol capsules! Some open, some out of date.
    I must admit we used them ourselves for several years!

    1. I can't believe the amount of stuff I tossed from my mom' should have been thrown out her first move or when she was putting it away in her last apartment.

  6. I programmed my mom’s Alexa to say”mom, it’s time to take your medicine” twice a day I wonder if that would work for your mom?

    1. that's what my uncle says he has/uses. Now that she's close by and something I can program, I might look into that.
