Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cluck cluck

My friend texted about dinner time last night that she was home and I could come pick up the chickens then if I wanted, instead of this morning. DH came with me, thinking maybe he could visit with her DH, but his new job has him odd schedules, so this week he was working nights. She picked out 4 of the 11 chickens (it didn't matter to me which ones, LOL). She had gotten quite a variety of breeds, so  I have 4 different kinds. I can't remember all the different breed names she told me - I know one is Rhode Island Red, and one is Cinnamon something. The other is white and the 4th is black with kind of grey/white spots. I texted her this morning to remind me what kind they are.

She's been giving them pieces of bread every day as a treat and they love that, so as soon as I gave them a little last night they settled down, rather than hiding under part of the coop, LOL. When it got dark they figured out where to go, though Miss White hen was apparently blocking 2 of them from getting inside for a bit. I think she's in charge, haha.

This morning when I got up at 7, they weren't out yet, but about 10 minutes later they were. And fortunately (planned that way) where the coop is on the side facing our house and kind of angled, the neighbor dogs in their kennel can't see them, so I don't even think they realize they are there.

DH ended up hanging that water feeder, so it's not sitting on the ground.  Friend has a fenced in yard, so she lets the chickens free range. We can't do that, so they are just inside the coop. DH might eventually do some little fenced area below the coop, but for now they'll just be in the coop.

The ground in the coop was pretty much rocky, so DH put a thick layer of our extra topsoil, which also has a lot of sand in it, so that worked good, I think. I saw last night they were already finding bugs and worms in it.

My eye bothered me a bit during the night, for the first time in a month. Not the sharp intense pain but a bit uncomfortable, so I am praying it's not going to start being a problem again, at least let me get through the next couple of weeks with getting my mom moved!

DD's company (and her DH both work for same company) is doing some layoff's. I guess they offer voluntary layoffs first, so someone in DD's dept took it. Good news for DD, but it was the person who shared her work account with, so DD's going to be swamped now, but at least she has a job still.


  1. The black and white looks like a Plymouth barred rock. The red one might be a sexlink-one of my favorites. Can’t see enough of the white one to take a guess. I have two white ones that are auracana, and lay green eggs.
    I hope your dd and sil don’t get laid off. My younger dd is an engineer and she is probably getting laid off next week. Her company makes airplane parts-need I say more.

    1. yes, I think you are right - Plymouth barred rock is what she said, I know the word "barred" was in there. LOL. I think the brown and white one is a Cinammon Queen, I know she said Cinnamon something. One is def. a Rhode Island Red. Still not sure on the white one, she hasn't answered my text back yet. It doesn't sound like DD will get laid off, since someone volunteered.

    2. I have never heard the term cinnamon queen so I looked it up. It is a sexlink. They can tell males from females at birth because of their coloring. I have had a lot of them because you won’t get a surprise rooster lol. I have had black ones and red/white like yours. Very nice chickens, except for my mean one that died. They are very calm, friendly chickens and very good layers. I personally am not a fan of RIR, but lots of people like them. I also don’t like the Plymouth barred rocks, but they are so pretty and I have 3 of them lol.

    3. I thought it kind of neat that I got a variety of breeds. Will be interesting to see the differences in them. My sister has a mean one, too.

  2. Happy chicken raising. That's more work than I would want for fresh eggs, but so much better.

    1. it's partially for the eggs, partially for the raising/pet factor experience :)

    2. Eggs are a burden. I just like chickens lol. I also like geese. We have 2 that are 20 years old.

    3. My half sissy lives on a ranch. She's got chickens, geese, ducks...and now a baby buffalo that lost it's mom after birthing, so she's bottle feeding him.

  3. Oh it's going to be so exciting learning all about your hens with you. Vicarious pleasure at its best!

    1. there is so much to learn and as it seems with most things - many different answers on how best to do it!

  4. That's so exciting that you have your chickens now, in that lovely coop your husband made! Good luck with raising them!

    1. hopefully they will do well, since I have no idea what I'm doing LOL. I like listening to their little clucks.

  5. I hope everyone's safe and staying safe. I just read that the virus is mutating and getting much more dangerous. I don't want to alarm anyone but it's time to get right with God, cause this is getting downright scary! Stay home and stay safe, guys!

  6. My RIR were calm and sweet. One will come sit with me and come to the door to get bread treats. I did not feed them bread, so the treat at the door made them happy since they knew exactly what they would get.

    Heads up, always throw four pieces in to the four hens. They are hilarious chasing each other. We laughed to see them scuffle over food.

    1. Ha! that's just what I did with the bread this morning. They love it and get excited.
