Monday, April 6, 2020

Starting the week out good

Last night was the first night I made it through the night without any eye pain. Yay! Let's hope it continues to improve. At some point I'd like not to have wake up every 2 hours to put in drops. But, for now, I'll definitely take the no pain night. My eye is still a bit blurry, though, but at least I can manage working now.

Yesterday DH had me stain the beams that are in the chicken coop part of the shed. We had almost a whole 5 gallon of stain left. Not sure why our painter lady bought so much (which we of course had to pay for), but at least we were able to use a little bit of it up. I rolled it on with a little roller brush and it all only took me an hour to do. He spent his time figuring out where he will be putting some lights and outlets.

The town lumber store is supposed to deliver some boards and stuff they were out of last week, when DH went in. I'm sure he'll be sitting here all day and they won't end up coming until afternoon, haha.  He needs to get the first row of siding put on. Then below that the mason guy can start his part. He keeps bugging DH to come out and do it. Funny, how when those subs need the work they are bugging you, but when they are busy you never know when they are going to show up. I think the plan is for him to come on Wednesday. I doubt it will take him much more than a day. There's really only 2 sides and a little bit on the front (most of the front will be a door to the garden shed).

Saturday I did finally get my eye doctor claims submitted to my health insurance online. It was fairly easy (now that my vision isn't so blurry and I could read all the instructions) and I just scanned my claim forms supplied by the eye doctor office. They also had an option to get the reimbursement direct deposited, rather than a check, so I went with that option. Hopefully, it all doesn't take too long, or they don't deny it for some reason.

I think we are finally past it snowing every night now. I'll bet, in total, we got a foot of snow last week, with it snowing a few inches every night. This week is supposed to be temps in the high 50's and even low 60's later this week. I am ready to start seeing some more green and having our lawn get green (the sod is sort of a yellow green right now) and see how well our seeded areas fill in from all the seed put down late last fall.

Well, I'll be trying to put in a full day of work, but may take a bit longer lunch. I don't want to over strain my eye, just when it seems to be doing better.  Yesterday I said to DH it doesn't even seem like Sunday. I don't know what what it feels like. It doesn't feel like any certain day. Some kind of new "day" of the week "coronaday" I guess :(


  1. Enjoy your day and happy there was no eye pain!

    1. I was really happy too....until you read my latest post :( Sigh...........
