Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Eye update

My visit with the corneal specialist was kind of good/kind of not. My eye is starting to heal and do much better. He said it looks more like there is stuff there from an old injury to the eye. ? I know I scratched it and went to an eye doctor like 18 years ago maybe. He gave me drops, it healed up in a few days. At this point, since it's seems to be doing better, he'd like me to continue with the daytime drops and the night time ointment and come back and see him in 30 days. He seems to think that I will probably need to have a "minor" eye surgery done at some point, but it sounds like with all this virus crap going on, their surgery center is basically closed, or he'd probably do it now. He said it's a quick 5-10 minute procedure where he scrapes off the top layer to get rid of the old/damaged skin. I'd wear a special lens to help it heal, for a week. Takes about a month total to heal up.

After that visit, DH and I stopped at Walgreens, so I could get more of that tiny tube of eye ointment. It's almost $30, but needing to use it for another month, I'm not sure how long the tube I have will last. I also picked up some more thera-tears for daytime. Every time we've been to the city and had to stop in a store we look for toilet paper, because obviously at some point in the coming weeks we are going to run out. And not being in the city, where I can just stop in stores all the time to see if they have more in stock, it's proving hard to find any. We stopped at Target again to check. As I was walking towards the section I see a young man walk by with one 4 pack in his hand. So, I was hopeful! I get to the aisle and there is literally one 4 pack left (and a sign with a limit of 1) so I grabbed it. I guess 4 rolls is better than none, at this point. You'd think people would be done hoarding it now - obviously no one is using any more than they used in the past. It must be pretty bad if the checker at Target had to get her TP at Costco! She said her hubby got lucky the other day and got a case of Charmin.

It's snowing again today. My mom called while I was at the eye doctor and left me a voicemail. She said oh, right. I forgot this was the time of your appointment. Anyway, I'm looking at my bank account and credit card and don't know what this $3700 charge is.............So, again, I reminded her that is the rent/move in fee for her new apartment that we put on her credit card rather than having her send a check.

My uncle (who isn't helping her move now anyway) keeps asking me when we are going to move her now? Today he texted if I had any update. Can't really do anything to move her right now. Both our states are on "stay home orders". Essential only workers out and about and others only to get food/supplies or medical care. Two of our friends who are considered essential workers actually have been given letters to carry with them, in case they get pulled over or questioned. Crazy. So, I texted him back that we are on hold with the move until the stay home orders are lifted.


  1. I really don't think people are hoarding now but when you are told to stay home, greatly limit going out, even to go shopping people need to buy enough.

    1. Exactly. And when you live 50 miles from the stores and go shopping you need to buy enough and a 4 pack isn't enough. Lol
