Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Eye and earthquake

My eye felt much better all day yesterday. I was really hoping I'd have another night with no problems, but I did have one time where it hurt again, but only for a short time. This morning still seems pretty good. Usually, if I had 2-3 times during the night where the healed part came back off, then during the day I could feel my eye irritated when I blinked. This morning feels ok and the vision in that eye seems about same (which was better) as yesterday. I go into the specialist later this morning, so we'll see what we see!

And to add to all the craziness we had an earthquake last night. It was 6.5 in Idaho, but we felt it good where we are. Quite the shaker. Our neighbors down at the end of the street said it knocked a jar of seashells off their shelf. I was sitting on the couch and DH in the recliner. Straight above me was the ceiling fan and straight above DH a hanging ceiling lamp. We got out from under those right quick. I was standing in my bedroom doorway and there is a little table outside that door with a fake plant thing on it. Even when the earthquake appeared to be done, it was still moving for quite a bit longer.

My mom's place has given everyone a menu and they are bringing up meals to them, so now she is getting some good dinners. Last night was meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

Well, I'll make another post when I know more about my eye situation.


  1. I hope all goes well and you got some good news about your eye!

  2. The earthquake was pretty cool. I hope we never get a big one with damage, but the little ones are kinda fun.

  3. Glad you didn't get any damage from the earthquake!
