Saturday, March 14, 2020

Where's spring?

Yesterday I was outside with the dogs over on the next lot and was excited to see the buds of the wildflowers that will soon carpet the ground.
This morning it's all covered in snow, LOL. It's supposed to snow most of the day, but I don't think it will stick around long, as by mid week temps will be back up into the 50's.

We keep watching the bald eagles nest through the binoculars. I read that they usually lay a "clutch" of 2 eggs, but sometimes up to 4 and take 35-40 days to incubate.  I'm not sure how long it's been. We noticed her sitting there all the time now about a week or so ago. then the eaglets stay in the nest 10-12 weeks. Once they are hatched we probably won't be able to see them for awhile, because the nest is huge and deep, but we will probably know because momma eagle will finally get to get out of the nest more often.

I've been waiting until the weather warms up before I list my old tv stand/cabinet on marketplace. I figured the better the roads are the more chance more people will be interested in it. Guess, I'll be waiting a bit longer still.

All this Corona virus stuff and the effects it's been having sure are crazy. It's interesting to watch how some people behave. I see some friends and family (who are smack dab in the middle of the highest outbreak area in the US) just working from and staying home as much as possible. I see others are going out to eat, going to the mall, etc. DH's sis is going all out with being with groups of people. In fact one of her daughters, her boyfriend, and their new baby actually just flew to visit them. She, her dh and their other DD, who has 2 little ones, are all busy going out to eat and/or having a big dinner with lots of friends and family. Probably something I'd just avoid right now, better safe than sorry. But, this is the same sis of DH's who couldn't put her social life on hold a few weeks to just stay home and take care of their dad when he was very near the end. Going out to a high school basketball game (that she has zero family or friends playing in) was more important than just staying home and making sure he was fed dinner (she made him order his own pizza and he could barely breath) and being taken care of. DH was so mad when he talked to his dad that evening and he told him what she did (he died not long after). If we had had our house done and weren't living in the shop DH would have gotten in the car and drove the 6 1/2 hours to go get him and bring him here, right then.

Well, looks to be a quiet relaxing day ahead with just watching it snow. I now have a couple of ebooks to read and shows to watch, so I'll be good.


  1. While I don't believe we have to crazy with the virus pandemic it just seems to me that some people go completely the opposite direction too don't they. Surely a little caution wouldn't hurt!

    1. No, it certainly wouldn't hurt anyone to just stay home as much as they can for a bit.

  2. It seems like dh sis is a piece of work.
    Sad for her father. I went to Publix and Lowe's today. I have enough food and stuff for meals. I probably had enough here for a month even before I went out. What I bought is on my blog.

    I intend to stay home. We can go for a drive if we get bored. I convinced Tommy not to go to church tomorrow.

    1. and this is the "good" sis LOL. One of my facebook friends shared on online church service.

  3. My nieces wedding went on, but with extra serving precautions, no reveiving line, and it was just a lovely day.Funeral next Saturday I imagine will also have precautions.

    1. I just read about your BIL. I'm so sorry, but good that you all could celebrate the wedding and happiness with that.

  4. Saw this and thought of you and your mom. An automatic pill dispenser.
