Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Just in limbo all around

If DH and I didn't watch news, we'd probably be pretty clueless on all that's going on. That's how much we just stay home on a regular basis. Of course, that is until we tried to go shopping, I guess. One Facebook friend (not living in my area) reminded people they could make their own bread. Several of her friends told her their stores are wiped out of yeast, flour and sugar.

My mom has been watching the news, so of course the media has her convinced she'll probably get it. I keep reminding her that there are only 4 cases of it in her county of approx. 300,000 folks. We seem to have the same conversation every evening (because she's just been watching the news) where she asks me the same questions about it and makes the same comments about it. She says if she gets it at least it seems to be quick and she's lived a good long life at almost 80. I keep reminding her that there are only 4 cases of it in her county of approx. 300,000 folks. Then she'll mention she hopes that the place she is living at doesn't run out of food (since they supply all the meals), but they haven't said anything, so she guesses it's ok. But she hopes they will say something, if they do. Then she will comment she wonders if they will have to start bringing the meals to people's apartments. I said well, if someone comes down with it or exposed, then they might have to do that.  I said I'm sure they are monitoring it all very closely, since all the people that live there are elderly. I guess she is going to Safeway this morning with the shuttle bus. She said she's wearing gloves, going to try to get milk and things she can eat/make in her apartment, so she doesn't have to go downstairs and eat for awhile. I'm going to give her a call here in a little bit and see if she did go shopping and if she was able to get anything.

My side job boss lady (she's the owners wife and she does all the bill pay and banking stuff) said she will tell her husband he needs to review my pay and after 5 years she'd say it's time! She emailed me back this morning that she didn't want me to think she ignored my request, but is waiting for now to bring this up to her hubby, as he's been in a terrible mood now with all this upheaval in the world, so she said after 30 years of marriage she knows when is a good time to approach him and not. I said I understand and appreciated her keeping me updated. So, nothing happening with that any time soon, I am sure. Bummer.

One of my work programs froze up and now won't open, so I'm waiting on a call from IT....always something causing a headache.


  1. Your poor mom. All this virus talk is so MUCH & so confusing as it is. I'm sure she's in good hands & they will take whatever precautions they need for their residents. Everyone seems to be stepping up. All the "information" can be a bit overwhelming for sure!

    1. I'm sure her senior living managers are on the ball with it all and it also seems like they are doing well not to have the residents panicking, either.

  2. It must be very unsettling for your mom. It's unnerving for everyone but for someone who has so little control over her own environment it must be hard. And I think your side job lady is probably right. We could probably all tell when is a good time to approach our other halves couldn't we!

    1. It must be very scary for her. She did make it to the store with a few of the others and got the things she wanted to get, so that was good. She sounded good after that trip and probably made her feel good to know she has some extra food now in her apartment if need be.

  3. I'm glad your mom was able to get the items she wanted. Stores here are almost out of everything! The one store I went to, yesterday, put a limit of 2 items per family on some stock up items.

    1. I was glad to hear it too and she sounded better and not so worried.

  4. Of course it's confusing! You have Donald Trump telling everyone it's a big hoax one week, the next week (after some serious convincing, no doubt) he's telling people is a serious pandemic. I mean no wonder the older people are confused. The guy didn't even know what a vaccine was or how it was used! I personally don't believe a word out of his mouth - I prefer to take the word of the medical experts. LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS! Hopefully you can get your mom to calm down & relax. We aren't going to run out of food in this country - not going to happen. She can have home grocery delivery - did you tell her that? It might be worth it for her piece of mind. My mom/dad are in independent living & nobody is permitted in/out. They are getting grocery for resident as they need them. I'm surprise that you're mom's place isn't in a "quarantine" mode right now.

    1. Well, she hasn't mentioned Trump once, LOL. She's just said she's heard the info from the doctors and "experts" on the news on what is going on. They are certainly scaring everyone just as much as anyone is. They haven't put her place on lockdown, but it's also not assisted living. It's an independent senior living apartment place.

  5. Can you get delivery for her? Im.not leaving my house for anything right now. It doesn't matter how many cases but rather how many have bern untested and how many are carriers with no symptoms. I agree that I'm surprised your moms place isn't locked down. My daughter is an OT at a number of assisted living locations and they are all.shut down

    1. yes, she can do delivery though I have a couple of facebook friends in her/dd's area that said they are having trouble getting stuff delivered. Getting canceled, etc. Her place is independent living, not assisted, so that may be a reason it's not locked down.

    2. I'm truly shocked her place isn't suspending visitors - independent living (just like your mom) places around us are all not letting people in or out other than staffers. They are just being extra cautious since the older population are high risk.

  6. As a worrier here, let me tell you how to better help her not to be anxious--pay attention to her (I know you do), tell her that you will come to her or bring her food or dd will. My mother used to tell me not to worry, and that made me worry more because I thought she did not realize the severity of the situation.

    When my friend's son had worried for weeks about ghosts in his closet, and she had told him over and over there were no ghosts and all and none in his closet, I stepped in. I put water and vinegar in a spray bottle with ghost spray written on it. His mother sprayed in the closet that night, under the bed, and other places. He never worried about ghosts again and after a week did not need the ghost spray.

    She needs to know you know it sounds bad and is sort of severe, and that you will not let her starve or become ill.
